Chapter 2: Tiny shrimp

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"We're almost there, boss," Zach said impatiently as he tried to overtake the cars in front of us. In fact, I was already late.

Annoyance bubbled up inside me. "Is it just me," I said, "or does it seem like you could use some driving school refresher courses?"

"Oh," Zach stammered. "Sorry about that. I'll definitely be more careful." He forced a weak grin that made him look sheepish.

Zach, my perpetually frazzled PA. Kid is a walking disaster zone - clumsy, nervous, half the time looks like a deer in headlights. Makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking hiring him. But credit where credit's due, the kid gets things done. Guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Phone buzzes insistently. A single glance reveals ten messages. A flicker of annoyance crosses my face. Only Aiken ever gets through.

Hey Arlo,

I think I might visit you very soon

Did you install those video games?

No games, no hanging out, priorities buddy.

I wouldn't want to waste the trip when there is nothing to dominate, would I?

You there?, Why aren't you answering?

Yeah whatever

Fine, and I'm sorry I've not been able
to visit, you know how mom can be

Maybe in the weekend?,

Love you brother.

A flurry of messages filled my phone, each one bringing a smile to my face.  Life's purpose remains a mystery, love often a fleeting illusion. Yet, with Aiken, everything feels different. He's the only one I'd fight for, the only one I wouldn't hesitate to protect. 

A man of few words, I find myself opening up to him, the rumble in my voice betraying the depth of my affection. Blood may bind us as half-brothers, but my love for Aiken transcends circumstance.

I type my response  "I understand, and about your video games?, How about you come and see for yourself?".

Phone silenced, I pulled out my pocket watch, its cool surface calming the tremor in my hand. Memories slam into me, clear as yesterday's news. My past, a ghost at a feast, taunting me with what could have been. I hold onto  control.  I maintain my composure as the car screeches to a halt, jolting me back to the present. Still in control.


Looking outside, we are already pulling up to The Zenith, my hotel, a surge of pride washes over me. It stands tall and magnificent, a testament to everything I've built. She would have loved it.

Would she have  been proud of me?

Zach's voice cut through the silence. "We're here, boss." He tapped away at his phone, his face an unreadable mask. An important message, or just another one of his nervous tics?

"Who are you texting?" I simply ask, curiously.

"Maeve and the board," Zach stammered, slamming his phone down on the dashboard. "They want to know if this meeting is still happening."

A scoff escaped my lips. "Maeve's gracing us with her presence, too, huh?"

"No, about Maeve,  she texted me, she said you have not been answering her calls or text messages". The fear still evident on his face.

"Well, isn't that a shocker?" My voice dripping with sarcasm as I  fix my tie "Let's not play dumb, Zach. Blocked her, of course. And advise her to develop some intuition. A hint shouldn't require a flashing neon sign."

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