Chapter 4: Mighty Cora

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"Kai?" I drawled out the name, letting the silence hang heavily in air, his eyes met mine, a flicker of something deep within them, I'm not sure how he knew me, nevertheless get me out of jail.

Detective Adams slid the papers across the desk. "Sign here." A ghost of a smile played on my lips as I picked up the pen. "Good luck, Detective," I said, my voice laced with a hidden meaning. Finishing the signature he said "Don't make more mistakes" and I just rolled my eyes.

Kai's hand, surprisingly strong, held my upper back, guiding me towards the door. And let me tell you, this guy? Even up close, all that 'cute' stuff just doesn't cut it. He was just...fine. Like, ridiculously, stop-and-stare fine.

"Wait a minute," I blurted, curiosity bubbling over. "How do you know me? And getting me out of jail? That's some impressive thing you did, Kai. Spill the beans, already!"

"How do you know my name?" His voice held a hint of surprise. "I don't believe we've met."  A soft chuckle escaped my lips. His smile, with teeth like a model's, widened in response.  "Well I don't," I began, a playful glint in my eyes, "You just look like a Kai"

"Alright, omniscient one," he sighed, raising his hands in mock surrender. A sly smile played on my lips as he opened the passenger door for me.

Silence reigned as he drove to my home place. Gripping the seat belt tight, I broke the silence: ''Spill it, how'd you pull that off?''

"First of all I'm sorry you had to sleep in that pathetic dirty place but I'm not the one who got you out" There he goes apologies and apologies, what's wrong with people apologizing every time.

"Oh, gee, thanks for the apology tour. But newsflash, darling, I wasn't exactly at the four seasons either. Now, spill it, who got me out?". Annoyance washing over me.

He chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. "She said you were remarkably strong-willed. Seems she wasn't wrong." My gaze narrowed. Who was "she"?. It has to be Rhea, now it makes sense, they know each other.

"You know my sister, don't you?" I demanded, my eyebrows furrowed. He glanced at me briefly, then turned his attention back to the road. A tense silence filled the car as he pulled into my driveway.

Finally, he stopped in front of the house and turned to me, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Of course I know Rhea, she is a wonderful woman" he said, his voice smooth as silk

"Of course," I sighed, the knowledge settling in my stomach like a lead weight. "The Zenith." I released the seatbelt with a click and pushed open the car door. He followed suit and entered the house, the silence broken only by the soft thud of the door closing behind us.

"Rhea, we're back!" Kai called out. The way he said her name - soft, almost reverent - sent a pang through me. It was the kind of call reserved for someone cherished, someone who mattered deeply. A silent wish bloomed in my chest, to be seen and heard like that, with such warmth and familiarity.

The door creaked open and Rhea walked in. Her eyes were puffy and red, a clear sign of tears. A knot formed in my stomach. What trouble had she been through?

In a pathetic attempt to lighten the mood, I blurted, "You never mentioned Kai was a friend?" My voice cracked at the end, the forced smile on my face feeling more like a grimace. Rhea stared at me, her eyes distant and unfocused, as if she hadn't even registered my words.

Rhea's gaze finally flickered back to me, devoid of emotion. "Well," she said, her voice flat, "we're past friends. He's my boyfriend. Sorry you had to find out this way." Her words hung heavy in the air as she quickly looked away, unable to meet my eyes. What was going on? My mind reeled. Kai, dating Rhea? It felt like the ground had vanished beneath my feet. I never knew they even knew each other.

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