Chapter 3: Sparky

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"Three days? You don't come to work for three whole days and you think you can just waltz back in like nothing happened?" He muttered, slamming his pen down, the sigh escaping his lips in a frustrated whoosh.

"Oh come on, Jimmy, it's not a biggie. Just let me work, I could really use the money." He snorted, a humorless laugh that scraped against my ears. Disappointment flickered in his eyes before he shook his head and left. Like a chastised puppy, I followed him.

"I'm so sorry," I said, my voice thick with regret. "I had some things to deal with, I promise you won't regret letting me work this off." My gaze holding a flicker of vulnerability.

"Fine," he grumbled, jabbing the pen in my direction. "This is a last warning. Don't pull another shit like that. You can get to work," he sighed, the pen tapping a staccato rhythm against his notebook.

A smirk tugged at his lips. "Consider yourself lucky," he said. "You're serving VVIP tonight." A smile crept across my face, the promise of fat tips erasing any lingering resentment. "VVIP duty, finally!"

I feel like the luckiest bitch in the world.

"So, are the VVIPs regulars?" I  asked, jogging slightly to keep pace with his brisk stride. He is a busy man, that much is clear.

"Actually," he clarified, "the woman's a regular, but the man isn't. Though, he is one of the richest and finest men in the country." He explained, handing me a tray holding a vibrantly colored cocktail, its contents swirling with an intriguing depth.

"Hey Jimmy, what is the name of the cocktail?" I asked pointing to the cocktail grass on the tray.

"Siren's song, that's what he called it and please don't ask me the ingredients, can't explain, the guy just came and gave strict orders on how to make it". He murmured, a hint of a knowing smile playing on his lips before he left.

Siren's song uh?

Standing at the VVIP door, I let out a relieved sigh. After all this waiting, today I was finally getting access. A smile played on my lips as I took in the vibrant cocktail, its color as alluring as the opportunity it represented.

I open the door and I'm met with a sight, a disgusting sight actually, a girl with long hair, wearing a short off-white silk dress, straddling a man, kissing him, no, actually  eating his face, the guy running his hands behind her back, the girl's moans feel so exaggerated, she looks like she is enjoying herself yet the guy looks like he doesn't feel the same.

I've always heard the stories about VVIP'S, they snort drugs, drink heavily, hire strippers, and do alot of shit, and maybe this is a good thing they are just making out, and not snorting cocaine or anything, Frankly, I wouldn't care what they do as long as I get money from the job.

Clearing my throat " Sorry sir your order is here". I tossed out, voice dripping with boredom. Couldn't hide my disgust in all of this, the guy tapped the girl's thigh and she stood facing me.


I knew the girl, don't ask me how, but I did, she is our regular, always mean and bitchy  but that  is not interesting, the interesting part was  the guy sitting on a sofa, taking his time  buttoning his shirt,As he finally stood up, towering over me like a skyscraper, his eyes met mine and for once I flinch, the aura he gives off, screams danger.

This was not going to be a breeze.
But you know what?, you can't mop up the past any easier than spilled water.

"A most unexpected pleasure to see you again," he intoned, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through the room.  His face showing no emotions.  He then directed a glacial gaze towards Maeve, who, sensing the sudden shift in atmosphere, swiftly excused herself and departed with nary a word.

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