Currahee Part 2

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August -September 1942

Camp Toccoa

Lieutenant Hebert Sobel wasn't happy, at all, he had gone to Colonel Sink to try and get rid of the nurses before he had even met them, the medic, Roe, he thought his name was, and another medic that was being placed there would be good enough for Easy Company. But Sink shut him down saying that this was coming from General Taylor and General Forbes of the Army Nursing Corp directly and what they said went.

So now on top of these men, and he used that term very loosely, he also had to deal with women who shouldn't even be in uniform, they should be at home with children. Shaking his head he rounded the corner where Easy Company was lined up, his dark beady eyes going from Lieutenants Winters and Nixon to where the head nurse was standing. "You people are at the position of attention." He barked before he went towards the nurse missing out Nixon, Winters and several of the other boys tensed up.

"Relax." Bobby hissed, "Olivia can handle this." During the summertime, instead of going to camps like Bill did where he learned about the Army. The Stewart kids were sent to the family summer home outside of Columbia, South Carolina and the boys had it beat into their heads military training, and once they figured out that Olivia was watching, she was included in it. She could handle a CO yelling in her face, this one she just couldn't sass after everything was said and done with.

Sobel came to a stop in front of Olivia, letting his eyes flick over her body, "Lieutenant Stewart." He started waiting for her to recoil away from him, like other women in his presence had, instead she held his gaze.

Almost confidently.

Good, this meant he was going to have a challenge, he liked having a challenge.

"Sir." She returned, she had already been told stories by her brother, Bill, Lewis, and Dick about Sobel and how more or less how useless he was. She tried not to judge him before she actually met him in person but it was looking like they were right. He looked at her last name then over to where Bobby was standing with Bill and Joe Toye, another Pennsylvania boy she had been introduced to in a rush the night before.

"Are you two related?"

"Yes, sir, that's my twin brother." She returned, knowing it was better to tell the truth than to lie. Especially when Bobby would want to defend her if he thought she was being threatened. "Us being in the same company isn't going to do a darn thing. We are both here to do our jobs. And I assure you, sir, Colonel Sink knew of our familial ties and placed me in your company." That part was a fib on her part, she didn't know if Sink knew the truth or not.

And if he really cared if he did.

'And no amount of complaining will get him to approve of me leaving Easy for another company.'

"That's my girl," Lewis muttered loud enough for Dick to hear, causing a half smile to appear on his face. They both had been taunt and ready to defend Olivia but Bobby had been right about her being able to defend herself.

"And honestly, sir, if I were to be completely honest. Having me here for my brother and Guarnere is for the best. They tend not to get into trouble if I am around."

That was a bold-faced lie, even Adele and Amber who had been the last two to be introduced to the two men knew that they got into trouble and a lot of the time dragged Olivia in with them, the punishment was usually a lot less when she was involved. "If you want to prove you are the best and that you know what you are doing. Leave me and the girls here."

Olivia was going to be forever thankful that she was filled in on Sobel's shortcomings so she could learn how to twist and turn him to see things how she wanted to see if need be. But that was something that she was going to keep close to her chest and only use when she needed it.

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