Chapter Ten: Oralie

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2871 words. Somewhat unedited and admittedly a somewhat useless chapter BUT I love my new character so. Totally not awkwardly posting again after not posting for a month haha oops... But I promise this is my #1 wip rn, especially now that it's summer and sunshine and all things lovely :) Please vote and comment and enjoy!


"It's . . . strongly worded," Kenric noted, peering over Oralie's shoulder as she worked on her report for the Council.

    "It's factual," she replied primly without looking at him.

    Kenric did not comment on the report again.

    On the opposite couch, Elwin busied himself with paperwork, careful not to disturb Nisha, who dozed on his shoulder, an open book left unread in her hands. Oralie didn't know where she found the book. That satchel of hers must've been connected to the void.

    Her pen tapped absently against her lips. She couldn't think. Perhaps it was the dimness of the room, or the chaos of the day, or the exhaustion threatening her impending collapse.

    Or maybe it was Kenric's undeniable presence next to her.

    She couldn't look at him. She couldn't look away.

    "Are you okay?" Kenric murmured, scooting closer. Oralie flinched, startled out of her thoughts. Or perhaps she flinched at the sound of his voice. How could she be so afraid of something so beautiful, something she'd spent years yearning for?

"Yes," she said, clicking her pen in and out. In and out. Back to lying. Back to hiding. Back to the circlet. She hadn't been Councillor Oralie around him since she'd first been elected to the Council, when they'd hated each other so deeply, they could've started a war against each other.

    Perhaps they'd come full circle. Perhaps they loved each other so deeply, they'd start a war for each other if they had to.

    He knew she was lying, but he didn't argue. His pale fingers traced down her forearm, soothing and electrifying all at once. "Tell me, if you haven't eaten proper food in years, what's the first thing you'd think of eating?"

    "Hm." She set her pen down and slid her hand into his. She almost didn't notice Elwin glance at them, taking in their clasped hands with a too-clever gaze. "Blitzenberry muffins."

    Kenric's eyes lit up, and her heart ached to be closer to him than she could possibly get. A hollow feeling that'd haunted her for years, like the circlet had branded itself onto her soul. "You're brilliant! Where's the best place to buy them? I know there's —"

    "You're officially dead, Kenric," she reminded, and then wished she hadn't. He was indeed officially dead. He had no money. No name. He couldn't be revealed to the world, not yet, and certainly not without the utmost care. He couldn't speak to anyone except those who already knew he was alive. He couldn't contact his family or his friends.

    "Right." Kenric deflated. "Ora?"


    "Would you mind doing me a favor?"

    She laughed, feeling like a fool drunk on love. It was easy to forget for a moment that love was the one thing she could not have. "I will personally scour the world for only the best blitzenberry muffins. And if I can't find them, I'll bake them for you myself."

    That adorable grin of his returned, something flooding under the surface. Love scattered through his veins like salt in the ocean.  "Do you wield some type of magic, stardust?"

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