6- Mr. Turtle

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Daisy's Pov:

We were in the New Orleans airport, waiting for the rest of the class to get their luggage and things. A group of us stood in line for Starbucks, which wasn't too busy, strangely.

We got to the hotel and started setting up our rooms. I was sharing a room with Hailey, a friend of mine. She played percussion and I played bass, so we were always seated relatively close in class. Close enough to make little comments or jokes, at least. It's hard to deacribe band culture, but once you're in a section with someone, it's hard to break the connection.

Hailey and I started making ourselves at home, determining which beds we got, hanging up clothes, et cetera.

We were alike in a lot of ways. She had dark hair, chopped above her shoulders, whereas mine was a lighter brown medium-length. But we both had cats (even if I didn't like mine), and were obsessed with Marvel. We decided to watch Age of Ultron tonight, and see who cold keep from crying over Pietro the longest.

The next day, we visited Preservation Hall, an iconic jazz bar. Obviously, we weren't allowed in the bar area, but there wasn't a need because the food and band was in the common area.

Basically, the whole day we just went around eating food and sightseeing. By evening, most of us were worn out and didn't feel like doing anything tight-scheduled.

The sun was going down, and we had a beautiful view of the orange and violet sky from the balcony. Peeta's-favorite-color orange. Joe and I stood looking over the edge, partially looking at the sunset, partially watching some of our classmates mess around with a basketball on the court below. A few other band members were on the balcony at tables, eating a late dinner. I hadn't seen Joe most the day, so it was nice to catch up about our experiences today. Joe hummed the tune of a Charlie Puth song that had been stuck in his head all day.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I pulled it out to see a text from Allie.

DAISYYYY, she had texted.

WHAAAAT, I texted back.


??, I replied.


WHAT WON'T I BELIEVE?? Maybe my dad got her into the library and she was able to figure something out.


My heart stopped and my jaw dropped. WHAT????!!!!! SRSLY????


I glanced to the left of me and realized Joe was texting somebody too. A smile crept over his face as he read what was on his phone. I knew that look well. His wheels were turning with some idea.

"You wouldn't believe it," he said, turning to me.

"What?" I asked.

"Ben just texted me, and-"

"Ahh," I said, laughing. "He texted you too? Allie just texted me."

Joe was laughing now too. "That's hilarious! They're texting about each other!"

"Do you think it will last?"

"Don't you?" he questioned.

"Well, I want it to... but will it?"

He looked out to the sunset, pondering this. "I think it will. Ben's not the kind of person to be hasty with this sort of thing."

"And Allie's too shy to make a quick decision. Yeah, I think they'll last." I smiled, thinking of the new couple.

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