14- The Lawnmower Ruined Everything

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Daisy's Pov:

It was Ben's 17th birthday, so of course we had to celebrate. The Badjers went to a newish restaurant that none of us had been to yet. It'd only been there a few months, but it had gotten a lot of hype.

"You sure you're only seventeen?" Joe said.

I elbowed him.

"Life of having a summer birthday," Ben said.

"But you don't seem like you were just sixteen."

Ben shrugged. "Life of a summer birthday."

"I'm so excited," Allie said. "I can finally eat crunchy food again, like, real food."

"Oh, that's right! You got your braces off! I think you looked better before, but I guess you prefer being ugly instead."

I shook my head, pretending Joe didn't just say that.

"Shut up and eat your nachos," she said.

"We haven't even ordered yet," Joe mumbled.

"Guys, it's been three weeks since I've eaten a vegetable. Dare I get the french fries?"

"You know what," Joe said to me. "You should get a fruit salad too. Go big or go home."

"You've tempted me. Alright."

"Is it possible to be surrounded by bigger idiots?" Ben said to no one in particular.

"Yes. I'm sure you could find an idiot bigger than her. Daisy's shorter than the carrot she doesn't want to eat."

"Joe!" I whined. "I'm not that short, okay?"

He shrugged. "You're right. You're at least taller than a mailbox."

"What a colorful metaphor," Allie commented.

"Why thank you," he said.

*time skip brought to you by Ellis. Ellis is hot. It is the middle of summer, and he does not have air conditioning. Luckily, his neighbor does and has invited him over to spend the evening conversing and eating dinner in an air conditioned house. And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...*

"What's on the dessert menu?" Ben asked.

"Dude, there's a crémé brouiller that looks really good."

"Joe, those things are disgusting. Besides, it's fifteen bucks. I'm not spending that!" Ben wailed.

I sighed. "I wonder if they'd give it to us free."

Joe's eyes lit up with one of his crazy, punk ideas. "If I got the waiters to give it to us for free, would you try it?"


"Would you try it?"

Ben sighed. "Probably."

"Allie, could I borrow one of your rings?"

"Heck, yeah. I wanna see what idea you have." She slipped off one of her rings and handed it to him across the table.

"Play along," Joe told me, and subtly elbowed my plate. Some leftover salad leaves spilled onto my lap. (I decided to get a real salad instead of fruit)


"Oh, let me help you! I'm so sorry!"

That was definitely his acting voice. The sarcasm in his tone was off the rocker.

I stood up and brushed the dressing off my pants. He bent down to pick up my fork from the ground. When he came up, he bent one of his knees and withheld Allie's ring to me.

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