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            - ᴅᴇ ᴀɴɢʟᴏ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ -               [ ʟᴏs ᴀɴɢᴇʟᴇs ]

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- ᴅᴇ ᴀɴɢʟᴏ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ -
[ ʟᴏs ᴀɴɢᴇʟᴇs ]

This morning was different to say the least. I was awoken by the sounds of yelling, cursing and broken glass.

Let's say I've learned to never wake Stefano up. Lando decided it was a brilliant idea to blow an air horn into Stefs ear while he was sleeping, resulting in Dad now having to replace one vase and a new bedroom window....possibly new children?

What? it's just a recommendation.

The three youngest went to school, Dad and Enzo went into the 'office' which is code for the warehouse. Matt went to work at the hospital and Mum went to her work which we learned she's a successful lawyer around America.

I find her job strange since we're technically criminal kids but who am I to judge?

Also, something else I learned is the majority of our brothers are moody asses in the mornings, I can't blame them but I asked Santi where the orange juice was and he told me 'find it yourself lazy fucking kid' Safe to say I didn't get my morning OJ.

Who is happy in the morning? especially on a Monday.

Today we're home alone other than the guards around the house, but we've planned on exploring and maybe going shopping for some clothes and cars since we need them. Dad offered but we brushed him off since that's asking a lot, especially since we did just move in and that would feel like we're gold-digging.

"Can we go to Barnes and Noble? I want to get this new book." Riley asks as we pull up to the mall. We had to take one of the cars in the garage, not sure whose it is but it's fucking sick.

"Sure but I want to go to the Apple store for a new phone since this one's fucking annoying me with the lagging," I reply and Riley rushes off to the bookstore.

Definitely finding some erotic books, I don't know how he enjoys that shit.

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That was one of the most traumatising shopping trips ever.

First of all American women are hungry lustful Barbies, secondly, why is everyone so defensive? I made a simple gay joke towards Ryan and I got slandered by half of the Apple Store employees and some costumers.

Ryan was laughing but they didn't seem to find it funny. Americans.

The first time I've ever been banned from a store and did It have to be the Apple Store. How can I even boast about that? I had to get Riley to go in there to buy my phone because I was one step closer to killing the handsy security guards.

Now on to American women, all three of us were simply eating our food when all of a sudden there were two girls on each of our laps. Ryan is gay, Riley is bisexual and I was plotting my conversion to
celibacy; these women were plastic fish-lipped walking STDs.

I garrente if you put them near a heater they'd probably melt.

After we arrived home I immediately showered scrubbing my skin red raw of there possible STDs. Ryan and Riley also came out there showers with red skin which made me chuckle.

"Plastics!" We all say.

Back home in Sydney our school had categories for girls and boys, cliche but everyone used the terms.

'Plastics' were the fake Barbie look-alikes. 'Posh and proper' were the rich cunts with mummy and daddies trust fund. 'Inbetweeners' were the middle grounded girls, pretty and middle class rich, and lastly my favourites the 'prestigious' they were the highest ranking sweethearts, mums of the group, hot, humble and overall amazing.

For the guys, it was 'kings' hot playboys, rich and athletic guys. 'Mary Js' were the stoner aesthetic. 'Preps' were the smart golden retriever boys and lastly 'gutters' were the lower class in looks and mainly the outcasts of the school.

Ryan was known for a mix of kings and preps, Riley was Mary J and preps and I of course was the head king.

I promise I try to stay humble but look at me...I said I 'try' I never said I succeed.

"What should we do?" Riley asks bringing me out of my inner monologue.

"Up for a game?" Ryan holds up our game controllers and we nod.

Wait, did Ryan actually bring our whole gaming set to America? Smart kid.

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After a few rounds of COD, we decide to practice some ice hockey at the rink downstairs. Riley obviously had a few negative comments but joined us nonetheless, with a promise that we'll go surfing with him tomorrow.

He should think of better deals than something we all enjoy.

We warmed up with some races and some shutdown pairing, Ryan of course being positioned offence. Riley has never really been the best at being a forward position but he's improved.

Ahh I feel like a proud dad.

We ended up playing 2 vs 1 match until we heard a whistle catch our attention, we turned to see Lando, Santi and Stef with their skates on and Dad to the side with a huge smile on his face.

"You three vs us three?" Santi suggests and we all smirk with a nod.

Lando takes his position as goaltender for the red team same as Ryan for blue, Santi as defence same as Riley, Stef as centre same with me and Dad as referee.

Me and Stef face off and Dad drops the puck, we both try to knock it back towards our teams sadly Stef wins and Santi gets the pass making a breakaway forward towards our goal, Riley defends against Santi going stick-to-stick. Me and Stef take this as our chance and intercept going back and forth until I take my shot at the goal and score.

"Fuck yeah!" Riley cheers and jokily puts an L up towards our brothers for losers.

We play a few games eventually Mum comes down to the rink scolding us for being late to dinner, we all change and head upstairs to the dining room.

Many hours later our brothers invited us to play a game of GTA with them, after I won all seven rounds against all of them, we parted ways to our rooms.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

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