~please tell me if I messed up on anything!~I've been dating Jamil for around 6 months and since we started dated he's let me help him with his stress. Whether it's massages, making him tea, talking to him, or helping him relive some tension, I'm always up to helping. Today was an especially rough day for him since Kalim wanted to throw a huge party to celebrate his birthday, leaving Jamil under a lot more stress than usual.
I'm walking to Scarabia with a basket full of massage oils, candles, bath salts, and a jar full of his favorite tea leaves. As soon as I walk into the dorm, Kalim spots me and a huge smile spreads across his face. "Y/N! Hi!" The white haired man rushes up to me and wraps his arms around my torso, almost making me drop the basket. "Woah- hey, Kalim." He smiles up at me and grabs my hand, ushering me to sit down on one of the large couches. "I'm so happy you're here! I was just about to come invite you to my party tomorrow!" I chuckle and ruffle his short hair, making him laugh. "Thanks, Kalim. Happy early birthday." He grins, his red eyes sparkling.
"Where's Jamil by the way?" As soon as I mention my boyfriend's name, Kalyn's smile turns to a pout. "Why can't we hang out, just us.." I sigh and smile down at him. "We can hang out all day tomorrow, ok? I need to see Jamil." Kalim considers my offer before letting go of me and crossing his arms over his chest. "...He's in his room."
"I promise we can hang out later." I grin at him and a small blush spreads across his tan face and he waves me goodbye. 'I really need to try and get it through his head that I don't like him like that..'
I walk up the stairs and knock on Jamil's door. "Kalim, I'm working on it, please be patient." He yells through the door. "Babe, it's me." When he hears my voice he quickly responds. "Oh, come in." I open the door to his room and see him sitting on the pillow in front of the small desk next to his bed. His usual decently neat room is covered in papers and his long hair is unbraided and messy.
I sit down next to him and place the basket on the floor. "Jeez he's working you to the bone, huh?" Jamil sighs and nods. "He doesn't he even know it." A small frown spreads across my lips and I rummage through the basket next to me. "I brought you some stuff." He raises an eyebrow and looks down at the basket. "You did?" I nod and pull out the candles and a small matchbox. I place one onto his desk and one onto his nightstand before lighting one of the matches and lighting both of the wicks. The soothing smell of lavender fills the room, making my boyfriend let out a soft sigh. "Thank you, يا حلو/حلوة."
I smile softly and I giggle as he grabs my waist and pulls me into his lap. He digs his face the crook of my neck. "I actually brought some other stuff-" "Shh..I just wanna hold you." He mumbles against my neck and I sigh. "I missed you so much..I was thinking about you all day." My boyfriend whispers and leaves kisses along my neck and collarbone. "I missed you too, I got delayed a little bit because Kalim wouldn't let me come up until I payed attention to him." As soon as the words leave my lips, Jamil freezes. "...What did he say?"
"Just being really touchy and wanting to hang out with me, normal Kalim stuff." Jamil scowls and hugs me tighter, his grasp almost bruising. "Jamil- That's a little tight.." I whimper and struggle in his grasp. He loosens his grip slightly and sighs. "I'm sorry..I just hate it when he touches you. It makes me so fucking mad." Before I'm able to speak, Jamil sinks his teeth into the sensitive flesh of my neck, making me moan. "Jamil.." The man doesn't respond, he only continues to bite my neck and slowly pulls the loose fabric of my t-shirt down, revealing more of my collarbone.
"You're so cute..and you're mine..." He whispers into my ear, making me shiver. His rough hands running along my body makes me whimper, his calluses sending tingles through my nerves. I grab his hands, stopping me from touching him and spinning around, pushing him against his bed. "Let me do the work, you deserve a break." He only responds with an amused smirk and lays down on the bed as I ordered.