birthday surprise

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Johnnies POV:
Today is Jakes birthday. I am going to throw him a surprise birthday party. Tara's coming over soon to decorate. Jake fell asleep two hours ago. It's like 2 in the morning. I run upstairs to get some of the stuff. Jakes staying at Jc's tonight. I only know he fell asleep 2 hours ago because he texted me. Anytime either of us are away from home we text eachother before we go to sleep. It's pretty cute. He said he wasn't getting home until like six pm so we have a lot of time. I hear a knock on the front door. I run downstairs and open the door to see Tara. "Hey bitch." She says pushing past me. "Hey." I say. We both sit down on the couch. "So what we're you thinking of doing for decorations. What theme should we go for?" She asks. "I was thinking like a black and red theme since those are his favorite colors." I say. "Yeah that would be cool. I think he would like that." She says. I scoot closer to her and rest my head on her shoulder. "Tara I don't know what to do." I say. "You've been talking about this for months just ask him out." She says. "The worst he can do is say no." She adds on. "I know but what if he sees me differently." I say. "He won't see you differently Johnnie." She says. "Do you think he likes me back?" I ask. "Are you kidding me!! Do you see the way he looks at you? Johnnie he looks more in love with you then he did with me. And that says a lot if we were together for 4 years." She says. I just laughs bit. "Alright well let's start decorating." I say standing up.

time skip to like before the party starts

still Johnnies POV:
Most of our friends are here waiting for Jake. I think we're just waiting on Sam and Colby. Oh and Corey. A couple minutes go by and they all show up. So far this is going perfect. Jakes going to be here any minute now. "Okay everyone come circle around the door!" Tara yells. Me and Tara go infront of everyone. Jake opens the door and we all yell surprise. "Oh my god! I was not expecting this at all." Jake says laughing.

time skip cause i'm bored

Jakes POV:
This is the best birthday ever. I can't believe that Johnnie and Tara set this whole thing up. The parties ending soon but I've had such a fun night. My parents flew in from Kansas just to celebrate my birthday. Jillian, Reggie, and Ryan are here. All my best friends. I'm so happy Johnnie and Tara did this for me. Most people are leaving now. Someone is leaving every minute. I didn't realize this many people were here. Now everyone but Tara left. "One last time, happy birthday Jake." She says hugging me. "Thanks Tara." I say pulling apart from the hug. "I cant believe your 26 now!" She says. We both just laugh a little. "Well I have to go now so have a good rest of your birthday." She says. Tara turns over and looks at Johnnie on the couch. "Johnnie you better do it or I'm slicing your head off." She says giggling. "I will! I will!" He says laughing. After Tara leaves I go over and sit next to Johnnie. "Do what?" I ask. "You'll see." He says. I wonder what Johnnies going to do.

Johnnies POV:
Breathe Johnnie. You already promised Tara you would ask him tonight. Do it now and get it over with. "Hey Jake." I say. "Hm?" He hums. "Close your eyes I have one more gift for you." I say. "Okay?" He says concerned. Once he closed his eyes I sighed and planted a small kiss on his lips. He opens his eyes quickly. "Jake Webber. I like you. Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask. "Oh my god yes." He says pulling me into a hug. He grabs my face and kisses me several times. "Best birthday present ever." He says laughing.
is it bad that i started this at 9 am and finished at 11 pm

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