high school sweethearts

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Jakes POV:
Today is the day. I am asking Johnnie guilbert to be my boyfriend. I have had a huge crush on Johnnie since like 7th grade. And now we're seniors. I'm going to ask him today because if I don't do it today I'll never do it. I don't want to wait until summer because I have no way of contacting him or anything and we'll both be off to college. I open my locker and grab my books. The bell rings telling me to get to class. I have math first period. Johnnies in that class. I walk into the classroom and I see him. He has his headphones on. He's wearing a Misfits shirt. I sit down next to my bestfriend Colby. The teacher walks into the room.

time skip

Johnnies POV:
Just another day of hell. I'm always being stared at by people. Especially Jake Webber. I've liked him for awhile now but he's not staring because he likes me. He's staring because he thinks I'm weird like everyone else does. It's lunch time right now. I'm sitting alone. I mean obviously. A couple minutes ago someone threw food at me. This is everyday stuff. The bell finally rings and I run to my locker. I grab my things and head to my next class. It's a class I have with Jake. I sit down in the back. No one's sitting next to me and I don't want anyone to sit next to me. I plug my headphones in. Void by Melanie Martinez starts playing. The bell rings and the teacher starts writing on the board. It reads 'partner project'... Are you kidding me? I hate projects. And people hate me. Who would I work with? "As you can see, we are doing a project with partners." The teacher says. "I will be assigning partners to make this project fair." He says. Great. Someone who I won't like. I block out everything he's saying until I hear my name. "And lastly, Jake Webber is partners with Johnnie Guilbert." The teacher says. Oh god... My crush is my partner.

Jakes POV:
Oh my god. I'm partners with Johnnie. I'm freaking out. Mr Cameron is now my favorite teacher. "Get with your partners now." He says. I get up and walk over to Johnnie. I sit down next to him. "Hey." I say. Johnnie takes off his headphones. "Hi." He says. "So I was thinking, since the project is due this Friday, and right now it's Wednesday. Tonight we should work on it at my house and tomorrow we can work on it at your house or my house again." I blurt out. Damn I'm a yapper. "Uh sure. Could I get your number so we can figure out details?" He asks. "Sure! It's *********" I say. He pulls out his phone and puts my number in. "I'll text you my address later." I say. He puts his headphones back on. "What are you listening to?" I ask. "Melanie Martinez." He says. "No way! I love her music. I want to go to the trilogy tour." I say. "Yeah me too." Johnnie says. "Maybe we can go together." I suggest. "Maybe." Johnnie shrugs. The bell rings telling me to leave.

time skip

Johnnies POV:
The school day just ended and I ran out of my classroom. I reach my locker and I open it. A note falls out. What's on it? I pick it up and read it. Oh it's just another note of someone telling me to kill myself. I get those a lot. I put my books away and leave the school. I start walking home. I don't live far from school so I just walk everyday. As I'm walking I get a text from Jake.
                         Jake Webber
Hey :)))
                             Walking home from
                                            school. Wyd
Thinking about
you ;)
                                 What time should
                                              I go to your
                                            house later?
Does 5 sound
good to you?
                                 Sure. What's your
Can't wait to
hangout with you ;)

God he's so cute. I cant believe I'm going to hangout with the guy I have a crush on. And it's been since freshman year.

skipping to them hanging out because like get to the point already

Jakes POV:
It's been an hour since Johnnies been at my house. We've been working on the project but I think we're going to take a break soon. "Should we stop for now?" I ask. "Sure." Johnnie says. Right now. I'm telling Johnnie that I like him right now. "Johnnie." I say. "What?" He asks. "Can I tell you something?" I ask. "What is it." He says. "I like you." I say. He probably doesn't like me back. "Are you joking or being serious?" He asks. "I'm being serious right now." I say. "Well then I like you too." He says smiling. I smile back at him. "Can I uh... Can I kiss you?" I ask. "Of course." Johnnie says. He scoots closer to me and we both lean in. Our lips interlock. They fit together like puzzle pieces. We pull apart and start giggling. "Is it okay if I stay at your house tonight?" He asks. "Sure." I say. I wrap my arm around him and he rests his head on my neck. "So are we boyfriends now?" Johnnies asks. "If you want to be." I say. "Okay. Then your my boyfriend." He says smiling.

time skip

Johnnies POV:
Jake and I are just laying in his bed cuddling right now. "You know I always wanted to say something to you." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Since I started liking you, I've always wanted to tell you something." He says. "Well what is it?" I ask. Jake sighs before he says "Could you hold me through the night? Put your lips all over mine. Salty face when I start crying. Could you be my first time? Eat me up like apple pie. Make me not wanna die. Love me rough and let me fly. Get me up yeah get me high. Tie me down don't leave me side. Don't be a waste of my time." He says. I'm just sitting there with my jaw dropped. I put my head on his chest. "I lo- like you so much." I say. "Me too." Jake says hugging me tight. I start laughing a bit. "What's so funny?" He asks. "When I started liking you I wrote down a list of what I wanted you to do." I giggle. "Oh yeah? What was the list?" He asks. "Step 1: You must accept that I'm a little out my mind. Step 2: This is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line. Step 3: Give me passion, don't make fun of my fashion. Step 4: Give me more, give me more, more. Step 5: You can't be scared to show me off and hold my hand. Step 6: If you can't put it to work, I don't know what you think this fukcing is. Step 7: This one goes to 11, if you cheat you will die, die." I say. "Noted." Jake says laughing.
idk how to end this but that sucked. anyway high school sweethearts by melanie is my favorite song like everrrr

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