orange juice

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Jakes POV:
It's lunch time right now. I don't know where Johnnies. That's not really one of my worries right now though. Sam and Colby come over to the table. "Hey Jake!" Sam says. "Hi." I say. "How was your day?" Sam asks. "Boring. I cant wait to go home." I say laughing a bit. "My day sucked so far. I'm behind on like 3 assignments in math." Colby says resting his head on his arms. "Do you know where Johnnies at?" Sam asks. "Uhm I don't know actually. I think he's in the bathroom. I'll go check." I say. I get up and make my way to the bathroom. As soon as I open the bathroom door I see Johnnie standing my the sink. I hide by the door so he doesn't see me. He looks like he's trying to make himself throw up. Why would he do that? He sticking his finger down his throat to gag.
Oh, oh, stick it down your throat. I'm watching from the bathroom. Making sure I don't choke, choke. From the words you spoke. While your screaming at the mirror.
I make it seem like I just walked in. "Oh hey Johnnie." I say smiling. "Hey." He says. "Are you okay? Seems like you've been in the bathroom for awhile." I say. "Yeah. I'm fine. I was just heading back now." He says. "Okay." I say. He pushes past me and go to our table. Well I can't make it seem like I came in here just to check on him. I'll just wait a bit, make it look like I'm taking a piss. Okay it's been long enough I'll go back. I make my way to the table and see everyone eating their food. But Johnnies only eating an orange.
Now you sitting in the cafeteria. Shoving clementines and orange bacteria. Down your throat a dozen times or near, yeah. Fooling those around your bulimia.
I sit down next to Johnnie. "Are you not that hungry?" I ask. "No. I had a big breakfast this morning." He says.

Johnnies POV:
That was a lie. I don't want Jake to worry about me. And I never want him to find out the truth. All I want to be is skinny. I want to look good for Jake. He'll never want me if I'm fat. "Hey Johnnie?" Jake asks. "What?" I ask. "Uhm can we talk? Like in the bathroom or somewhere private." He says. My heart starts pounding. "Uh sure." I say. We both stand up and start walking to the bathroom. We walk into the bathroom and Jake turns to face me. He grabs my hand. "Johnnie." He says. "Y-yeah?" I ask. "Is everything okay?" He asks. I stand there and start to tear up. "No." I say as I start uncontrollably sobbing. "What's wrong?" He asks. Jake grabs my face and wipes my tears away. "I-I have an eating disorder. And uhm I try to only eat oranges and then throw them up. Uh and I uhm I feel l-like you won't like me if I'm fat. I do it to stay skinny for you." I say. Jake pulls me into a tight hug. "Please say that you won't continue, ordering oranges off the menu. Stuffing up your mouth with t-t-tissue. The way you look is not an issue." He says. I just keep sobbing into his shoulder. "You turn oranges to orange juice. Enter there, then spit it out of you. Your body is imperfectly perfect. Everyone wants what the other ones working." He says rubbing my back. "Johnnie your so perfect the way you are. You don't need to change for me. I don't think your fat at all. And if you are I won't ever stop lov- liking you." He says. "Thank you." I say taking my head off of his shoulder. "One more thing." Jake says. "What?" I ask, wiping away tears. "I wish I could give you my set of eyes. Cause so know your eyes ain't working. I wish I could tell you that your fine, so fine. But you will find, that disconcerting." He says. "Can I tell you something?" I ask. "Anything." Jake says. "I have liked you for awhile now. I was wondering if uhm.. Maybe you liked me back?" I ask. Jake just starts giggling. "Yes I like you back." He says. "Can I kiss you?" I ask. "Mhm." Jake hums while he leans in. Our lips connect. We pull apart quick. We don't need to make out in a school bathroom. We only need a quick peck. We pull apart from the hug. "Should we go back?" I ask. "Sure." Jake says grabbing my hand.
BASED OFF OF ORANGE JUICE BY MELANIE MARTINEZ!!! listen to it while you read thissss also sorry it's short but i just need to post something

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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