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Charm [Special Skill lvl 1] has been activated!


To be honest, the god didn't even know how the girl even got ran over, I mean she was literally looking at the incoming cars! And now She got ran over what kind of a shitty life is this?!

'H-huh? Why am I even on the ground. . .?' Akira our mc, thought, as she tries to remember, her head hurts so much, like its having a concussion yet she had remembered what happened, 'Oh right, I got ran over... Could I just rest peacefully .  .  .?' She thought, as she softly furrows her eyes, her ears are like ringing, yet she couldn't close her eyes, 'What if... I could protect my family, will I get a second chance..? If I do...' She smiles softly, trying to hold on.

'Please let me have the power to protect my family..' She thought, before life had flash before her eyes, as she finds herself, in a white void, she finds herself, looking at a Little child, they are tall yet they are baby-faced. She slightly squeaked, when the Little girl turned her head to the side, She saw her eyes.

Her eyes are lifeless and cold, it looks tired and cold, but it looks majestic, her irises looks like it's been replaced with gems.

The little kid says, "Congrats, your the person I picked to save and reincarnate." The little kid says, with a calm yet bored tone, adding, "Now you'll reincarnate in one of my imaginations, and save everyone, from the upcoming event." She couldn't say anything, but was only voiceless, "You'll have me, I'm a part of you, communicate through our linked minds." As she snapped her fingers, she had descended into a new world, which she had seemed to known.

-ˏˋ こんにちは⠀⠀♡⠀⠀안녕하세요 ˊˎ-

The reincarnated girl opens her eyes, seeing an Unfamiliar ceiling, sitting up she rubbed her eyes, as she realizes, thinking 'Wh-- wait, oh, I did reincarnate... I guess I-- wait, my boobs doesn't even weight a thing..?' Masha, a reminder that she's reincarnated, had stood up, lifting her boobs, but it didn't even weight a thing, she shrugs the feeling off walking towards the bathroom, where she looked at herself.

She took a moment to realize the situation, as she swiftly leaned towards the mirror, with a surprised, yet her expression never changed, it always a deadpan, as she thought, 'IM MASH BURNDEAD???!!!!!!!' She thought as she slightly gripped on her toothbrush, it's soft yet it broke--

'Oh shi--' Masha thought, as she sweatdrops, in the end she only used the top, as she walks out of the Bathroom.

"Stay here and don't come out, I'm going I the city." Regro says, as Masha nodded, sitting down, yet her stomach grumbled, she tries to ignore it yet it continues, as she slaps her forehead, standing up, and wore a black cloak that covered her head.

She had arrived in the city, she had 'accidentally' earned gold coins, (as courtesy of the goddess) yet she passed by a Weapon stand, as she walks backwards, leaning towards the dagger that was calling her like it could talk, "How much is this?" She asked, pointing at two red daggers holding an Ominous aura, "Oh, that's 4 silver coins, would-" she cuts the seller off by saying, "It's beautiful..." She muttered, as she gives him the 4 gold coins purchasing the two daggers.

The seller was kind enough to give her some sheaths to keep the daggers, it was beside her hips, covering it with the cloak, as she walks towards a Creampuff stand, "How much is 7 creampuffs?" She asked, as the seller replied, "5 silver coins." She handed the seller 5 silver coins, as she was given the creampuffs with a paper bag.

She smiles looking at her daggers, "From now on, you'll be called Kamish's Wrath." She says to her daggers, stroking it's handle softly as a sign of affection,

She softly smiles, looking at her daggers, "From now on, you'll be called Kamish's Wrath." She says to her daggers, stroking it's handle softly as a sign of affection, as she softly smiles, 'I should go try this..' She thought, as a wind passes by, but she was quick enough to stop that her cloak is going to fall of her head.

She was thinking, contemplating if she should save someone, 'Should I raid a Bandit's lair?' Masha thought, as she passed by some shops and stalls, but what she didn't notice that she had bumped into someone.

She fell to the ground, as she grumbles in pain, 'Damn this little kid's body!' She thought, as the noble lady, leaned down and says, "Are you okay? Little child?" The noble lady asked, she had platinum coloured hair with magenta ends, and was wearing a light purple dress.

Masha, who recognized this hair colour, was surprised, yet only stood up, didn't bother taking the lady's help, "Please becareful, you have an unfortunate fate." She says, indirectly warning The lady who had a little child with her, the Little child didn't hear what they were talking about.

Masha looks over the Little boy, thinking, 'Abel..' She thought, as she says, without a smile, straightforward, "Please bring someone with your mother, to protect her." She says, as she backs up, and bows down, before Abel could say anything, she ran swiftly turning into a corner, and running towards a dark alleyway, seeing some bandits.

She suspected it was a bandits lair, as she heard, "What's a little girl doing on our turf?" One said in a mocking tone, as She was about to step in but a magic police, steps in, "Hey!! What are you doing--" Yet she cuts him off, by jumping in the air attacking one of the bandits, On mid-air she unsheathes her daggers, and sliced the man's arm off, "Now, I don't have a problem dealing with shitty punches." She says, as she continues her attack, as she had sliced their limbs off.

Turning them to the magic police, the Magic Police asks, "Hey!! Who are you, and how are you pretty skilled in Swordsmanship?" The man asks, it was the same man as before yet she never seen the man beside him.

"Please wait here, I need to do something." She says, running back to the alleyway, "Wait--!!" The man says, disappointed, pouting because he didn't even had a chance to talk to the girl.

━━━━━━°⌜ ✮赤い糸✮ ⌟°━━━━━━

Authors note ~
It was a bit late, i know buttttt just couldn't resist writing this shiz, 1100 words!!

The Deity's Mercy 深淵!✭✮✭ Mashle; Magic And Muscle Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now