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Masha was wearing a workout Masha was walking around the woods, returning home from a workout, eating a Creampuff she had stored, she had stumbled that her father was going to be slaughtered, Her pupils dilated, as she who secretly hid a shadow soldier on her father's shadow, the shadow soldier trembles unto his master's emotions.

He had felt his master's emotions, yet the familiarity was so strong, That Masha broke the sealed door in an instant, it had crashed towards the wall even Brad, who was hurting her father was shock.

"I heard someone, so I had too." She simply spoke, as she turns her head sideways, both left and right, seeing her house in a mess, Brad turns around to look at her, saying, "Hm, I'm impressed your able to break the Seal I put, but" He adds, as he rises his wand towards Masha, who nonchalantly looks back.

"Can you deflect this?" Masha looks at him, her eyes changed into a stern look, as she looks at the ball of magic coming towards her, on her vision it's slow, yet her Kamish Dagger is hard enough to break it, After all, she is the only one who can sense it's Ominous Aura.

She swiftly unsheathes her daggers, cutting it in a 'X' shape, as it shatters and broke, she sternly says, "Pops, I decided to end this, Magic Polices can't catch a Magic Student, so here I am." Masha says, as things are now set okayish, And Here is Masha, Literally in a Student Exam too pass.

'I guess I should. . .' Masha thought, as she looks for lemon but she's not there, so she just uses an invincible chair, and reads a book. The title is 'Icebreaker' and yes, she nonchalantly and without expression, Read this Love story.

The entrance exam had started, yet it's the Paper exam, although Masha doesn't have the Mana to de-move the Letters, she simply scares it by breaking the pen she was given.

Seeing she's the first one to pass the exam, she walks towards the bastard teacher, handing towards him, as she waits for other students to pass.

She does know their stalking her, yet she acts oblivious. It's now the last exam, the Maze exam, yet she knows what exactly whats on Claude's mind.

She simply just enters the maze, walking toss and turns till she met lemon, who she already knew her, She tried to run away after talking, but she was stopped where Lemon cuffed her, "I'm sorry, but I need to stop you from passing." Lemon apologizes, yet she already knew her.

"Okay." She simply says, as she who spreads her limbs, effortlessly broke the magical cuffs, and ran away, till she heard something, she stops. A riddle she hears, and lemon answers, "I don't know--" The minatour slices her knee as blood fell down, Masha who felt bad, and at a speed of light, she knee-kicked the Minatour.

It was sent flying towards numerous walls, as she softly lands on her feet, she looks towards lemon, who was beside her, "Can you walk?" Masha asks, but obviously, she won't take a Yes from Lemon as an answer.

Carrying lemon like a bride, she Bounces multiple times before starting to punch the walls, making it towards the exit, as Masha stops, "Oh, we made it in time." Masha says, still carrying Lemon, who was flustered under her arms.

"What?! Go home! That's cheating!" Someone says, yet she ignores it, "P-please don't-- Say that! M-mister Claude was the one who wanted me to make her fail!" Lemon says, between her flustered State, yet Masha who didn't know what or if she's sick by the cut, nonchalantly says, "Are you Mr, Claude?" Masha asks, as the same boring thing, Walhberg intervenes, and y'know.

"I guess I'm in this room now...?" Masha says, as Walhberg who says, like he didn't hear the question, "May I ask, why you chose this school?" Walhberg asks, this question got Masha off guard, "I'm just the Succ-- I mean, I just need to be a divine visionary so I can live peacefully with my family." Masha says, crossing her hands, as Walhberg laughs a little, "Very amusing." He says, and questions again, "What would you do, if someone, had harmed your family?" Walhberg, asks again, as Masha who looks at him nonchalantly.

She says, after his question, "I'd Kill them by my hands, no matter the Rank, they'll always be an Inferior being, because they are too dependant with their wands." Masha says, as she lightly punches her right palm using her left hand, as a sign that she would crush them.

"How Unique and Beautiful answer there, but I must say." Walhberg says, "What if, you had encountered someone as strong as me, you know, I am the most powerful person in the entire continent." Walhberg says, as Masha felt her hand getting pierced through a rapier. She lifts her hand, only to see its bleeding, "What would you do?" Walhberg says, Masha knows its fake, but she just says, "I'd knock the stuffing out of you." She says, getting some insults and complains, yet she explains, "I don't think, you quite understand what I am saying." She says, with a sweatdrop down her cheek. She continues, "What I meant about it, is how brutal I am going to torture before you even feel your life flashing before your eyes." She simply smiles, as people imagine her, pulling their eyes, cutting their tounge, and this like that.

They sweatdrop at the answer, shutting up, but Masha adds, "Although, this is just a Test, I'm sure that very power of yours, has even the capacities to take my father's soul and transfer it to something." She says, as Walhberg laughs, the room lightening, "How amusing! Your correct, this is the final interview, I have no intentions of harming you or your family." Walhberg says, as Masha who magically, out of thin air, eats a Creampuff.

"Masha Burnedead." Walhberg says, "I welcome you to Easton Academy."

The Deity's Mercy 深淵!✭✮✭ Mashle; Magic And Muscle Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now