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"So how's the incarnation?" A woman, about as tall as a giant, with an hourglass figure, wearing some goddess-like clothes, with a thorn crown on her head.

"Fly." She says, yet the broom doesn't even budge a little, yet she tries again, "Fly." She says, again, yet more intimidatingly, it still doesn't budge, "I didn't know this was remedial class. Oy! Hurry up! Your making us fall back here!" One student insults her, yet she doesn't even change her expression, but She says again, "Fly." Then she stomps on the ground, making it fly to her hand, "It didn't even fly--!" Yet she is like a deaf person, not even caring about this shitty person who was insulting her.

Yet alot had happened ya know? Erm she was challenged into a fight by a certain someone, 'I was practicing flying since middle school, get ready to be swept.' The mean guy says, but was shocked agaped where Masha who was already at the Finish Line, "A-A new world record has been set!!!" The teacher screamed, in awe, as Finn, who saw through it all thought, 'I saw it all-- She threw the broom and Rode It on the last second--' Finn thought, and y'know, what happened next.

This time, she was confronted by the Headmaster who says, "Do you know why your here?" Walhberg says, seemingly in a serious tone, yet Masha nonchalantly replied, "It's because I made creampuffs in the dorm kitchen without asking?" Masha says, as The headmaster looked at her with a deadpanned expression, as he replies, "No it's because you slammed a Student, it's even the Vice Principal's son." Walhberg shows a paper of a complain, "And even the Vice Principal, this is unforgivable." Walhberg says, but in the end he burns it, "But what is more unforgivable, that the caring is at a disadvantage." And yeah-- that's what happened.


"You know why I sent you here?" The goddess asks, with her arms crossed under her breasts, "Erm, who are you?" Masha asks, as the goddess looks at her with a deadpanned expression, "Are you dumb of what?" The goddess says, "I'm literally the girl you talked too where you got here." The goddess scolded, yet it's soft, and gentle, but in the end Masha got a headpat, "I was the little girl, I just disguised as a true goddess, but that form was my real form." The goddess says, as Masha who just nods in response, but asks, "Why did you reincarnate me here, and who are you truly?" Masha asks, as the goddess expression, turns into a frown, it's dejected, yet the goddess smiles to cover her sadness, "Well... It all started."

(-ˏˋ こんにちは⠀⠀♡⠀⠀안녕하세요 ˊˎ-)

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

First Point Of View

└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘
It all started where I was 12 years old, it seemed like it's not true right? Yet it is, I was a human back then, I was born In the Osmond family, having to be In a Noble Status, I remember it was duchess, I was labeled as Duchess of Celeste, having to be In friends with the 4th princess of the Imperial Family, Leira Thea Trachtenberg, I was known for being Polite and Pretty, yet-- a thing had happened, I was only 7 back then, where my power was needed to be measured in a large crystal, I went on to touch it, but it didn't measure my power, instead it broke, it had my parents shocked yet they wanted to keep It a secret, covering my 2 other lines, I didn't exactly know what my power is, yet I wanted to find out.

I went to secretly go to the Knights Ceremony, and train there, disguising as another knight, and sparring other knights, as a result of victory, I also y'know, went to practice my magic, in secret of course, when I was reading a magic book, it was revealed to myself, that I could use magic without any wand, I could also use all Affinities including Light, and the dark affinity, I wondered why I was chosen to have this power. After some time, I couldn't accept the fact, that assassin's broke into my house and killed my father right Infront of me.

I was at the Field, as I saw my father's chest slashed by a sword, I screamed, "You MotherFucker!!" I screamed, I held my hand out, aiming to kill the man, I was using mind control, controlling his hand and killing him slowly by choking himself, "Father!" I screamed, trying to heal him, but I couldn't, it ended me up killing one person, yet this changed my perception.

-ˏˋ こんにちは⠀⠀♡⠀⠀안녕하세요 ˊˎ-

"You were known for being kind right?" Masha asks, eating a Creampuff, blinking at Meira who nods, "Yeah, Why?" Meira asked back, sitting on the white voidless floor, "What happened to you after all those years?" Masha asks, as Meira who sighs, "I met Walhberg, when I was 16, he was... Charming, yet he was dense." An irk mark appeared on Meira's forehead, "Hm, cool, he's my headmaster." Masha replies, as Meira who slammed both her hands into the ground, leaning towards Masha, saying, "He is?!! I-- uh-- Nevermind." She leaned back, as Masha who raised an eyebrow looking at the larger female, says in a confused tone, "Are you inlove with him?" Masha says, in a confused tone, as Meira who's face turned into a peach like colour down to her neck, "What--?! I mean, your not wrong." Meira says, as Masha just smiles in response, "You two could be inlove together." Masha says, as Meira who just slammed her hand unto Masha's head, making a bump on her head, "Shush! J-just tell him that Mei-mei said Hello." Meira says, as Masha nods.

"Masha, Masha!" Walhberg shouts her name, as Masha came back to her senses, "Sorry for dozing off your Long Dialogue." Masha says, rubbing her eyes to ease to Blurriness off her eyes.

"Although, I get it, but I want to tell you something also." Masha says, with a Smirk, "And what's that?" Walhberg says, in a confused tone, Masha replies, in a nonchalant tone, "Mei-mei went to me and said Hello." Masha says, as she put her hand on her heart, "She's currently inside me, Waving and yearning for your love." Masha says, as she saw Walhberg surprised face, "I'm surprised she could talk to you, despite all that." Walhberg says, as Masha adds to her statement, "Tell her sorry for everything." Masha nods, not wanting to butt in to their lovelife, yet her heart is rising In anticipation of what will happen on their lovelife, will they be mad at eachother or-- be in a romantic relationship.

The Deity's Mercy 深淵!✭✮✭ Mashle; Magic And Muscle Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now