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A half black and half yellow haired boy walks through the hallway, he had found her dorm, but the entrance was open, yet no door? "I wonder who my roommate is-- where is the door?" the boy asks, as he deadpans seeing Masha with the Door that was off clean.

"Oh, sorry I didn't knew if it was pull or push.." She droops her head, Finn's heart skipped a beat, she's like a adorable younger sister, it's like a sign of upset, or sadness, Finn can't really put his words unto it, but infact, she's really adorable and cute like an innocent young sister.

They walk inside, after fixing the door, both introduced themselves in the living room, Finn starts first, "I am Finn Ames, nice to meet you." Finn nervously spoke, Masha did not overlook any details about his features and his way of speaking, She's intensely looking at him, it's scary, well for finn, but in Masha's own perspective, is quite different.

'Hm, Finn is cuter than Rayne, he has a innocent..' Her thoughts were cut off, where Finn asks, "I apologize, if I sound rude" Masha is confused, yet her deadpan expression doesn't change, he continues, "Well." He gathers the courage, after taking a sharp breathe, "Do you hate people?" Masha now understands, she accidentally overlooks that he's trembling, she is confused, as she tilts her head, saying, "Not at all, I don't." She says in a deadpan tone, it doesn't make the situation better, she supposed, but she looks in a different way, giving the boy some to breathe.

'Am i really that obvious to look at someone? Or does he not like me..' She dejectedly thought, as Finn coughs to ease the tension and the awareness in the room, "So, uh, What do you like?" Finn asks, trying to break the unpleasant ackwardness, "Creampuffs." Masha replies, simply, as Finn who deadpans, says, "Is there anything else you like?" Finn asks once again, literally is doing a bad job breaking the ackwardness.

"I like working out, and spending time with my family, and friends." Masha says, as she held out a creampuff small plushie, with a white ribbon on top, "Lemi-chan gave me this." She boasts, well not actually since she's always on a deadpanned, yet nonchalant tone.

"Lemi-chan?" Finn asks, as Masha who secretly celebrated on the inside of her mind, 'Yosh! It broke!' Masha thought, saying, "Lemon, the yellow haired girl with that moon Shaped line." She says, as Finn nods in return, now the Ackwardness is back again.


The first class starts, yet they already found out how to open the lock, 'Lady Goddess, please help me--' Masha thought, looking over to the goddess who turned into a invincible cat, which means she's the only one who can see the goddess.

'Gah, I should've grant you faint Magic' The goddess talks to her telepathically, As the Lock magically unlocks, as the Cat-goddess, nods, when Masha looks at her.

Masha says, to the teacher, "Teacher, I am done." She simply says, with a sweatdrop, 'Why did you even grant me the powers of a Dark, Necromancer?' Masha asks, the cat-goddess looks at her, with her half-lidded eyes, 'Is this a serious question, Think about your powers, And you'll know' The cat-goddess replies. This had Masha thinking, what did the goddess mean about her powers.

'What did it even mean at the first place?' Masha thought, not realizing she just had bumped into someone, as she opens her eyes, seeing a familiar Light Blue haired boy, with a stoic , 'Lance?' She thought, as she gets startled when she hears the boy say, "Hello, I guess." The boy says, her Stare is piercing through his head, she's like boring her eyes towards the taller male's memory.

"I'm sorry." She says, simply bowing down and walking into another direction, slightly embarrassed on what she had done.

'Will they be okay? I suppose it's a bandit raid.' She thought, Recapping the thought that the divine visionaries had raided a bandits lair, which was one of the most largest slave trades in all of the country.

'why would they be?' her other self thought, as she just sighs, readying to study her magic mathematics--

The Deity's Mercy 深淵!✭✮✭ Mashle; Magic And Muscle Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now