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A cough of blood was spat on the floor, as a Girl with black hair wearing a suit struggles to fight against a man who didn't even had a single scratch unto him, "What's wrong? You haven't even landed a scratch yet." The man said with a bored tone, but his face is crazed, so frenzy it makes Sophina wanna throw up.

But then, a Shadow like monster, ascends from the ground, Its back is facing Sophina yet it just stands still, "What's this?" The man says, he had white hair and brown skin tone, reflecting his unmatched beauty, yet his face is crazed.

It disappears, yet a deep black fog surrounds the whole area, it covers the people's eyesight, yet it's still unknown whether where did this creature came from.

Their vision clears, as the man sees, a Small figure with a mask and a white cloak Infront of him, This takes Sophina aback, surprised, yet suspicious of this person.

"Please refrain yourself from moving." The unknown figure says, "You are injured." It says, as the man Infront holding a sword, "Oh! A new friend, let's test their skills." The man lunges towards, it slow on the figures point of view.

The figure recalled on the past time she was calculating whether to save them or not.

She was on her room, it looked like a dorm, She was on her bedroom, it's dimly lit, yet she was holding a white mask, She was the one who summoned the Black Shadow creature, and exchanged with it by saying, "Exchange." She says, as she exchanges spots with the creature.

The man was close in 5 meters distance, now was the time. Masha unsheathes both her daggers, and blocked the attack using both of her daggers, "You know, killing people angers the goddess." Masha says, but of course people don't know she's an Easton student.

"So what if? The so-called goddess can't even come here anyways." The man says, in an subtle mocking tone, as Masha furrows her eyebrows behind the mask, "May they forgive me for this." Masha says, as her eyes became lifeless and cold, no emotion, "Silence." Masha says, spine-chilling yet it's hot. The man's ability to speak-- or even say anything gets taken away, only leaving grumbled noises from his throat.

"Don't ya have any idea, it's very easy to fight somebody or numerous people." Masha says, as she lunges forward, it's fast, yet it's also deadly, as she clashes her daggers on the man's sword, remaining ice-cold under pressure, even after multiple people who seemed non-ever ending she remains ice-cold.

She even used a Taekwondo spin, which when her left leg gets trapped under a man's grasp, yet she spins to the left, kicking the man's ear, and throwing him against the cold hard floor.

Shes done killing the bandits, it's shocking whereas she didn't even used magic but defeated a horrendous amount of people, it's only her left, holding a man's head she just decapitated. She drops the decapitated head, as she turns around looking at a almost passed out Sophina Biblia, she sighs, removing her mask slightly for a better vision and to take a breathe.

She looks towards the pool of massacre she had did--saying, "Arise." Masha says, as, all of the undead people arises from the dead as Shadow Soldiers, As they all bow down before Masha whose back was turned against them.

"Patrol this whole area and Kill every bandit you see." Masha says, as She puts it back on, after a second, and ran over to Sophina who was passed out. She carries Sophina in a quite-- Bridal style, yet she just nonchalantly faces numerous people entering the slave market, as she ignores their Insults and just obliterates them using a Dark Spike, that she summoned on the ground, and with rapid fire, she kills everyone to oblivion using her dark spikes, as--- later on, she had successfully saved The day-- er, reminder it's nighttime, 3 hours after she had left.

Er, after leaving, She didn't forget to buy something, it was rather erm-- a gift for a friend, "Finn-chan, have this." She presents Finn with a Pork with Bean sprouts coated with Ponzu Sauce.

"Eh--? How did you know this was my favorite?" Finn asks, happily accepting the gift, but-- he's confused on how did Masha know about his Favorite Food.

"Don't overthink sometimes." She mumbled under her breathe, Finn heard nothin' yet he's confused and also suspicious of Masha's Intel.

The Deity's Mercy 深淵!✭✮✭ Mashle; Magic And Muscle Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now