°•▪︎|Chapter 9|▪︎•°

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Literally two seconds after they entered the train Sara was already blinded by the light, and if that wasn't enough, she also had a gun pointed to her head – actually two but, you know, details—by her honorary uncle. Upon closer inspection Benji and Jane recognised the father – daughter duo and pointed the guns way from then only targeting the "unknown person" "Sara? Ethan? Jesus, I thought you two were dead!" "We are" replied Ethan nonchalantly. "Who's this?" asked Benji his gun still raised, but his eyes were checking over his niece, waning to make sure that she was okey. Noticing the silent concern he had in his eyes, Sara gave him a quick nod and then focused back on the situation at hand.

"Agent Dunn and Carter. William Brandt Chief Analyst." introduced Ethan quickly, he just wanted to get that over with so that he could focus on the problem at hand and solve it as soon as possible. "Analyst?" murmured Jane confused and lowered her gun along with Benji. "You still have the stick?" asked Ethan his daughter. "Yeah, hold on" searching in her pockets for the so said stick she gives it to her dad, she then turns around and asks "Uncle B, you know where I can find some spare clothes and the bathroom? I'm like, swimming in my own clothes right now. Plus, I could need a quick shower" the present people in the room, all chuckled at that. "Yeah, sure, follow me"


Half an hour and shower later, Sara changed into some dry clothes and went back to the others. In the meantime, Ethan analysed the contents of the stick and the situation they were in and called someone to discuss matters. In the background the Tv- screen showed a political speech of the Russian president. When Ethan noticed that his daughter was back in the room, he started his speech. "IMF now believes this man-" he pressed a button on the remote, showing the said man "-Kurt Hendricks, is the nuclear extremist, code name Cobalt." Sara took over "Today he was seen leaving the Kremlin, with what is likely a nuclear launch device." Ethan took over again and changed the picture again "Two days ago, Sabine Moreau killed one of our agents in Budapest and relieved him of Russian nuclear lunch codes. Intel Indicates she will check into the Burj Hotel in Dubai in 36 hours. Marius Winstrom is a known operative of Cobalt. Winstrom is currently en-route to Dubai. For the lunch device to work, Cobalt needs the activation codes. He's sending Winstrom to buy them from Moreau."

Silence followed after his rather long speech. But some information was missing. The death of the Secretary. Ethan casted a glance to his daughter and she found his gaze immediately. He gave her a confident nod, confusing the living daylights out of the others. She took a noticeable big breath and the started to speak, revealing the missing, yet maybe, the most important information. "The Secretary is dead" she took a short pause, to let the just spoken words sink in, then she continued "The president has invoked Ghost Protocol. We're shut down. No satellite, safe house, support, or extraction. The five of us and the contents of this car all that remain of the IMF." Ethan took over, explaining what their next mission would be. That is if they choose to accept it.

"And as of this moment, any action is unsanctioned. So, if you want out, speak now. -" he stopped talking for a moment, waiting to see if one of the other four would step out and leave. For Sara that wasn't even a question, she would do everything she could in order to prevent a nuclear war, and so a third world war. But she wasn't so sure that the other three (excluding Ethan) would take the risk like she did. Jane just recently lost a loved one because of that, Benji was a newly certificated field agent and Brandt wasn't trained to be in the field, he was an analyst for crying out loud. So, when Brandt was about to say something, she wasn't surprised, like at all. When he decided otherwise though she was genuinely surprised.

Acknowledging that all four of them would take the risk he continued "Our mission is Hendricks. We're all that stands between him and his goal. Nothing can be left to chance. Everyone connected with this man is considered an asset with valuable information about our target. No one can know we're still online. We lose Hendricks now; we lose him forever." "So, what's the play?" asked Jane in a determined voice.

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