First summer after heartbreak

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Once again they said nothing.
You said nothing.
On the other hand the inner voice was louder than ever.
You lost hope that something is going to change for better.
You were just a kid.
You did not know that wanting to be loved by someone would make you hate yourself so much.
You spend that summer barely leaving the house. Your pet became your bestfriend.
You were too tired of being you.
It was one of the first time you genuinely wanted to be gone.
You did not know what good are you ever going to do. You were just existing but the world just went parallel line in which you never existed at all. You backed out of everything. You were just gone.
What difference would it make if you actually were dead? None.
Your sibling made you go out couple of times during that summer but you couldn't enjoy it because you knew that something is wrong with you.
You thought so.

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