Chapter 12 Secrets

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"Did I wake you?" Billy whispered, his morning voice surprisingly gentle.

"Mornin," you replied, rubbing sleep from your eyes. Billy leaned over you, his bare chest catching your attention as he reached around your shoulder, his fingers deftly working on something. "Ready for round two?" you teased, your hand resting on his chest.

Chuckling, Billy caught your hand. "Behave. I'm almost done." He said before letting go of your hand and continuing his task. His arms wrapped around your neck, until a soft click sounded.

You looked down, silver vines in a circular formation, a sight so familiar to you, yet in the middle of the pendant, a new sight to the necklace you were so familiar with, a red gem now fixed in the middle. "Do you like it?" Billy broke the silence, his eyes showing hints of nervousness and concern.

It had found you again, this cursed necklace of yours. Perhaps it cursed you, sending you back in time because you sold it off, only to come back to you. You have often looked at this necklace in disdain, reminding you of your father and past, but now that it is back on you, you feel somewhat fuller, like you actually missed it. The new bloodstained gem felt smooth and cool beneath your thumb, a comforting weight.

"I added it, a Ruby, like your name," Billy explained softly, still waiting for your reaction. The crimson gem has been chosen to mirror your new name. The necklace came back, this time, not tied to painful memories or a father's misguided legacy but given out of love.

You reached out to Billy and pulled him in for a quick kiss on the cheek, "thank you, " you whispered against his skin.

Billy smiled, returning your kiss with one on your lips. "You were looking at it before, thought you might like it."

You admire the necklace again, was it always this beautiful, or were you staring at it through rose-tinted glasses, "cowboy money's well?" You teased, somewhat surprised that he could afford it.

Billy chuckled a slight hesitation in his response. "Enough," he replied, though his momentary pause didn't escape your notice. "You didn't want money, wanted to pay you back. Saw you looking at it a while back, thought you'd like it," he continued, his words sincere.

You glanced back at the necklace and then back at Billy. Perhaps it was time to let go of suspicion and embrace the happiness Billy had found. Billy found a job and if he's happy about it you should too, even if it is from a man who has wronged him before, perhaps they made their peace.

"Don't think this necklace is enough," you remarked, standing up and beginning to get dressed. "I'm quite a materialistic woman."

Billy laughed at your comment, hugging you from behind and laying his head on your shoulder, "What else does the pretty lady want?"

"I want many things, I may become too expensive for ya."

"Name it, I'll try my best," he whispered, peppering your neck with gentle kisses.

"Hmm," you pondered, considering your desires. "How about a date? We haven't hung out in a while, aside from at home," you suggested, recalling the intimacy of your previous night together. "Maybe you can teach me how to shoot, like you promised before." A good skill to have in this time.

Billy's smile widened. "That I can do," he said, twirling a loose strand of your hair with his finger.

You've come into work happy from your new relationship development with Billy, and excited for your upcoming date on the weekend. Despite your happiness, you couldn't shake the embarrassment of facing Catherine after last night's events. To your relief, Billy was right, Catherine seemed oblivious to what had transpired between you two.

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