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this shibby brainrot in clba had infected me so enjoy this 😘

tw: abuse, sa implication, substance abuse

Siobhan was on her third drink. She had been sat at this bar for two hours, dreading the thought of returning to her home, to Roger. The two had now been an item for 7 months and everybody believed they were perfect for each other. They were both deeply hated by everyone at the nursery. She understood why everybody hated her so dearly, she had done some inexcusable things but it was all she had ever known. She didn't know how to be welcoming and caring like Marjorie or sweet and trusting like Charlotte, it felt alien to her. Because of this she believe that Roger was all that she deserved.

At the beginning of their relationship he showered her with gifts and compliments. Money came easy to Roger which she had to admit was a bonus to their relationship although everybody thought she was ONLY with him for his money. She truly believed he loved her and she stupidly placed her trust him. It was rare for her to place her trust in someone but he made her feel special for once in her life. Siobhan had never really had a proper relationship before Roger, she had never found a connection with somebody before him which made the hurt and betrayal of his recent actions puncture her heart in the worst way. 

It was always clear to her that he was a drunk but usually he would just get a bit lary and would end up apologising for his past actions. That was until recently. The past two months it's like he was a different man. She had heard stories about him from listening around about how he treated his children when they were younger and still to this day. How he manipulated Mia and stole her innocence and how he drove Reece and Autumns mother away with his actions but for some reason she believed it would be different with her. Maybe she could've changed him? She was very wrong. Every night that she had returned home he would be drunk and angry. He tended to let his anger out on her and find small mistakes she had made, to punish her for.

She was pulled from her thoughts when she felt somebody lurking in front of her.

"Hey i'm sorry to bother you but are you okay? I've seen you here every day for the past three weeks and I just wanted to check everything was alright" a young woman about the same age as she was walked up to her, she had long brown hair and the most beautiful brown doe eyes. She could tell from what she was wearing that she worked at the bar and as she looked at her further she began to recognise her face.

"Oh don't worry yourself I am fine" she leant forward, resting her elbows on the table in front of her. She wasn't going to bother this woman with her issues, she had brought this upon herself anyways hadn't she?

Sara stared at the woman, knowing that she was lying but she did not want to press too hard. It was getting worrying how much time she was spending here by herself.

"If you're sure. If you did want to talk you know where I am" and with that she gave her a quick wink before walking away. Siobhan couldn't help but admire her as she walked away, the way she presented herself and her whole persona seemed angelic to her. Once she had left Siobhan went to check her phone for the time.

She knew today that Roger would be furious that she was home so late but she needed a break. She needed some time to herself without someone in her ear screaming at her.

It was nearing 9pm and she knew that she would have to go home. She looked down at her phone and say dozens of angry messages from Roger and multiple missed calls. Shit. She had had her phone in her bag completely forgetting about it. As quickly as she could she downed her glass before rushing out of the bar and into her car. She drove with much anticipation, fearful for her fate when she returned home. Her head was a slight bit dizzy from the drinks but she had to shake it away. It was obvious that she shouldn't have been driving but she had nobody to call on to pick her up.

As she pulled her car into the driveway of her home, she sat with her head pressed against the steering wheel for a moment taking a few deep breaths. She stepped out of her car before walking into the house.

As she walked in she saw no sign of Roger, the house seemed barren. A wave of relief blew over her but after a moment she realised that this wasn't normal. He only ever left the house for work or drinks, he didn't often socialise. She began to cautiously search the house for any sign of him. She began to look in the kitchen and saw empty beer bottles littered all over, which she knew that he would expect her to clean up later. This was an indication that if he was home he would NOT be in a good mood.

She had searched the entirety of the downstairs before creeping up the stairs. Inside she prayed that he wasn't home. She walked towards their bedroom door slowly creaking it open. What she saw when she opened the door is not at all what she was expecting to see.

All of her personal belongings scattered across the floor, mostly smashed or destroyed. A look of concern quickly spread across her face as she looked up to see Roger. His face flushed red with anger. She began to tremble, afraid of what was to come.

He stood up from his seated position on the bed as he walked over to her. She took an anxious step back before the enraged man drew his hand up and grabbed hold of her neck. He slammed her aggressively against the door handle, it pressing into her spine. She struggled to breathe as the man tightened his grip around her neck, blocking off her airway completely.

"Where the fuck were you" his voice was laced with anger. Siobhan made an attempt to reply but she failed as she gasped for breath.

"I think someone needs to learn some manners don't you" he spat as she clawed at his hands desperate for air. As she began to stop struggling her let go of his grip and she dropped to the floor.
Her hand swiftly flew to her neck as she savoured every breath which came to her.

"I'm sorry please.." she managed to whisper a few words as she held the tears forming in her eyes. She did not want to cry in front of him.

"Get up" he gripped her arm before shoving her down onto the bed. "You are going to make this up to me now" Siobhan's heart skipped a beat as she knew what was about to happen. She lied down on her back staring at the ceiling as a single tear fell down her face. She just told herself it would all be over soon. It would be okay. Just let him have what he wants and she can go to sleep and escape everything.

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