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Finally Siobhan was able to return back to work. The deafening silence which emanated around Marjorie and Reece's home whilst they were at work and she was alone was beginning to become unbearable. Everyday she would sit waiting for hours for them to return, grateful for the peace but trapped with her own thoughts. The longer she was alone, the more Roger kept creeping into her mind. Even now she couldn't escape him. But now that she was back to work she would undoubtedly be surrounded by dozens of people all day to keep her mind off of him. He wouldn't win that easily.

It was a few minutes before they were supposed to leave and the blonde found herself yet again staring into the mirror. She had to admit she was getting better but she couldn't look at herself long enough without Roger's comments in the back of her head. Cautiously she ran her fingers through her hair, clutching to the patch which was a shorter length than the rest of it, a constant reminder of him. Her beauty was everything to her. If she gave up on being pretty she wouldn't know how to be alive. Luckily, she would be sat at her desk relatively the whole day so nobody would see the back of her head. She had managed to hide it from the couple who she was currently residing with but as her extensions grew out it was getting more difficult to hide.

"Siobhan my love we are going now are you coming with us" Marjorie called up the stairs awaiting a swift response.

Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the bathroom and straight down the stairs. A smile naturally grew on her face at the sight of her new found friend. As she approached the bottom of the staircase Marjorie reached her hand out and took the blondes into her own.

"You're going to be with me all day. If anything happens I've got your back alright? Try not to be a bitch" the cheeky comment at the end made them both giggle in unison. It was moments like this that made her forget all the shit she had gone through for a brief moment and she relished it every single time. Nobody had made her laugh this much in a while. "Ladies first" she let go of her hands and motioned her towards the front door and out into the car. During their walk to the car they continued giggling at little jokes that they would make. Reece could hear them coming and his mood immediately lifted. If he could have listened to the sound of her laughing every night for the rest of his life he would have.

Siobhan watched as he opened the door for Marjorie kissing her softly on the lips as she entered the car. Inside she still felt overwhelmingly jealous of the couple but she was trying to be a better person and not let jealousy take over like it had so many times before. But one question lingered in her mind. When was it her turn to be loved?

There was not a moment of silence the entire car ride to the nursery. She had to hand it to the other woman, she never ran out of things to talk about. It was something that she admired about her, it made her interesting and admirable. Most of the time Reece just listened to her ramble on and on. Intently taking in every word she said and nodded in response. This didn't seem to bother the woman she was too wrapped up in whatever she was saying to notice.

They had finally arrived at the nursery and it was time for her to enter for the first time after her accident. Thank god she had Marjorie. During her stay at her home she had learned a lot from the woman. She had been paying close attention to how she reacted to certain situations and mimicking her response. She was trying her hardest to prevent her snappy and arrogant comments anytime somebody spoke to her. It was in her blood to defend herself even when it wasn't necessary so this was no easy feat. All that mattered was that she was trying.

Her heart clenched as she stepped foot into the building she knew too well. Despite the fear she had felt returning, the familiarity soothed her slightly. It was going to be okay.

Majorie appeared behind her and gently rested her hand on her shoulder. Instinctively she flinched away from the touch but after realising who it was she settled instantly.

They walked into the office together, greeted by Autumn who was patiently awaiting their arrival. She was never one for emotion and Siobhan knew that so when she darted a soft smile in her direction her heart warmed.

She felt as if nothing could go wrong. That was until an aggravating parent angrily rushed into the office.

"Marjorie! I have a complaint" her voice boomed throughout the office as she rolled her eyes and scoffed. The mother noticed this and gave her a swift dirty look before continuing.

"Those women outside. Charlotte and that bitchy redhead. They are kissing in the car park" she cautiously whispered as she spoke the last few words as if she was embarrassed to speak on the subject.

Marjorie was about to respond but for some reason the blonde felt the need to speak up.

"And how is that our problem. Better yet, how is that any of your business" her voice came across as annoyed and bored. Her usual bothered tone making a reoccurrence. The parent seemed shocked at the response. Siobhan was known for her problematic opinions so this caused genuine shock to everyone in the room. Her father had drilled it into her for decades that homosexuality was a sin and that it had no place on this earth.

When she was a teenage she developed a crush on a girl in her english class. She was utterly smitten with her and spent every waking moment thinking about her. Every lesson she would write their initials inside a small heart in the corner of each of her books. That was until one day her father decided to do a random bag search and found all of the little hearts. Unfortunately for the blonde she had very limited friends so he instantly knew who she had been drooling over. He screamed at her and beat her till the inch of her life to the point where she laid unmoving on the floor of her bedroom. He then proceeded to lock her in her room for the rest of the week. There was one thing that he said that stuck with her to this day. "If it was not a sin God would not be letting me punish you for it would he? Now sit here and think about what you've done you devil child" It was at this moment that her beliefs changed completely but obviously the girl she used to be was still in there.

"I- it is sinful! I do not want MY daughter being influenced by such devilish acts!" Siobhan's gaze hardened on the woman as she stared her down. She was beginning to get uncomfortable with the situation and it was obvious.

"I think you should leave now." her eyes darkened and the mother quickly surrendered and ran in the other direction.

"Well I wasn't expecting that from YOU" Marjorie chuckled still in shock from the interaction.

"I fear I have been influenced by my fathers views for far too long. Since being with Roger I have realised that he was wrong and I need to get over myself before anybody gets hurt... the way i did" it took an insane amount of courage to speak about her past but she felt safe with these women and knew that they would not judge.

"I'm proud of you" the words hit the blonde right in the heart. It had been a long time since she had heard those words.

A/N: feeling evil so enjoy partly happy siobhan for now...

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