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By the end of the day she was completely and utterly exhausted. She had forgotten how many parents came in to make ridiculous complaints. She must have counted a dozen just that evening. Despite this she was glad she was not alone all day, it made it worth it. Marjorie had spent all day checking up on her and making sure that she was still okay, she greatly appreciated the gesture.

Unfortunately for her, Reece and Marjorie were going on a date tonight. They were off to go to some restaurant and star gaze. It was adorable really but it meant that yet again she would be alone. She was tired of being alone. The whole day she had spent contemplating what to do with her night. Eventually she came to the conclusion to go to the bar. She hadn't visited since the last time she saw Roger but there was something pulling her to it. Little did she know it was the brunette waitress in which she was infatuated with. Sara. The name allowed butterflies to swirl around in her stomach.

She did not want to intrude or delay the couples date so she ended up paying for a taxi to drop her to the bar. The taxi took around 15 minutes to arrive but she didn't mind the wait. It was quite peaceful outside.

Once she had arrived at the bar she immediately walked to her usual seat. The place where she had sat every night for weeks whilst she was still held under Roger's grasp but now instead she was simply allowing time to enjoy herself. Rather than drowning in her sorrows.

Sara had noticed her enter the building and immediately rushed to finish the drinks she was currently making. All she wanted was to run over there and greet her. She knew she was always flirting around with everyone and having one night stands but her adoration for the blonde was something completely different. She didn't know what it was about her but she had captured her heart since the first day she ever visited the bar. Watching in awe as she ran her fingers through her hair, she swiftly moved towards her.

"Fancy seeing you here. I've missed you the last few days is everything alright?" although it seemed as if she was engaging in banter she was genuinely concerned for her after all the times she had been there before. Her absence the past week had worried her severely, she wondered if the woman was even still alive. A wave of relief blew over her as she watched her gracefully enter.

"You missed me? I didn't realise I made such an impression. I am fine... thank you" without realising she had began to flirt with the brunette.

"Of course how could you not make an impression. You are gorgeous" winking as she spoke she watched as the blonde shyed away and began to blush. Her cheeks flushed red, she attempted to play it off as if nothing had happened.

A small smirk grew on Sara's face as she saw how flustered she had become.

"Well what would you like to drink sunshine" the nickname threw the flustered woman off, out of everything she could had said she certainly had not expected that. If anything she was the opposite of what she had been called.

"I- Um I'm sorry I-" she couldn't stop stumbling on her words, every intelligent thought had been erased from her mind as she avoided eye contact with the woman before her.

"Passion fruit martini?" she couldn't prevent herself from laughing but decided to help her out and save her any further embarrassment although she thought it was adorable.

Siobhan let out a sigh of relief. She was grateful for her for saving her before she embarrassed herself further.

"You know me too well" and with that Sara left blowing a kiss in her direction causing her to blush all over again. She cursed herself as she fought her cheeks to stop betraying her.

As she awaited for the woman to return with her drink she thought back to her father. What would he think of her now? Flirting with a woman in a bar no less. She pondered on the disappointment he would have felt for her in the most. Quickly she dismissed the thought, she was not going to ruin her night with thoughts of that man. He was no longer in her life, she did not have to worry about him.

Pulling her from her thoughts, the brunette arrived with her drink. A smile grew on her face as she noticed her presence lingering next to her.

"One passion fruit martini for the most beautiful woman in the room" she placed the drink down in front of her slowly leaning down. "You know it's really quiet at the moment I could always keep you company if you'd like that?" the blonde admired her courage to ask the question.

"Thank you. I mean if you insist" she smiled at the woman gesturing her to sit on the stool next to her.

"So I haven't seen you here for a while. What's been up in your life?" she watched as the blondes face dropped at the question. Fuck. She had screwed it up already. She mentally cursed herself before trying to resolve the situation. "You don't have to tell me. In fact scratch that"

"Sara. It is fine. I have been going through something at the moment but it is getting better. You needn't worry about me" she had to admit the question frightened her for a moment but she knew that it was innocent and she didn't mean any harm by it. Usually she would have shut it down straight away but she had a certain soft spot for her even though she did not know why.

"Oh i'm sorry. Well at least you're back here. You have been greatly missed" every night when somebody would walk through the door she would look up hopefully and pray that she would see Siobhan walk through the door. She was sorely disappointed every time.

"I must admit you have been on my mind. It took me a while to understand but now I realise..." her eyes fluttered and she felt as if the moment was moving in slow motion. Her eyes lingered on her lips as she stopped breathing.

They began to lean closer together before Sara ultimately closed the gap between their faces and connected their lips. She lifted her hands to cup her face as they kissed passionately neither of them wanting to let go. So this was how love was supposed to feel. Her heart crashed against her chest at her touch.

Eventually they parted and Sara chuckled as she noticed Siobhan's facial expression. Her face adorned a shocked look as she took in the effect of what had just happened. As she was still taking in the moment somebody came over and tapped Sara on the shoulder.

"If you're quite finished there are customers come on Sara" her co worker slowly walked away as she scoffed.

"I'll be back soon sunshine" she pressed her lips against hers one last time as she walked off to serve the customers.

The blonde smiled to herself as she finished off her drink in one go. She was on such a high at that moment. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment her entire life. She couldn't stop replaying the moment in which their lips collided. Although it felt odd to admit, she wanted her. She craved her attention and her touch even though it was sinful. 

Turning around to walk towards the bathrooms she felt herself crash into somebody behind her. She had no idea anybody was there but she was too happy to let anything bother her at this moment.

"Oh I apologise I didn't see you there" she looked up to meet the persons eyes and her smile immediately faded. Her shock was followed by a sharp pain in her stomach as she looked down to see a knife pressed against her skin, ready to puncture it.

He had found her. Fuck.

A/N: uhm you're welcome 😃

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