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Once Siobhan had arrived at Marjorie's house she instantly felt safer. Never would she have expected to have felt so safe in the woman's presence.

As she stepped out of the car she noticed as Reece placed a gentle hand around Marjorie's waist as he guided her towards their house. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead and she watched as the woman's face lit up from the interaction. She never understood why Roger hadn't treated her this easy. She felt a pang of jealousy and wished she could find someone like Reece who would love her truly. Maybe she had time? Marjorie and Reece were both a few years older than eachother and they had only recently fallen in love. She clutched onto that moment of hope before it got crushed by her overwhelming thoughts.

During her childhood she had very strict religious parents who never allowed her to do anything she wished to do. They chose her friends, her school, her beliefs, her clothing, everything. All her life she had been controlled by the men around her and she had found herself yet again trapped by an insecure man who needed to control women for his own pleasure. She was always told that she was never to show emotion, it was forbidden. If she cried? No food. If she shouted? No door. If she happened to fall in love? Grounded for the year. She had never had control over her life before and just as she had finally created a life for herself, Roger swooped in and ruined it all. Taking her right back to where she had started.

She couldn't bare to look at them, so happy, it hurt to watch.

"Siobhan are you okay?" Marjorie left Reece and walked over to her. Without realising she had completely stopped trapped in her own thoughts.

"Oh yes sorry" she quickly dismissed the question following them inside. As she stepped inside she immediately noticed how small the house was. If Reece had all this money why did her decided to live in such a small house?

"Would you like a drink my love?" Marjorie directed the question towards her. Just as she was about to respond her phone bagan to buzz aggressively. Roger.

He had noticed that she hadn't returned home yet. She hadn't yet come up with an excuse as to why she would not be returning home that night. Fear began to build up inside her as she began to shake. Reece saw instantly how her body began to tremble and knew exactly who it was.

Her phone had started to ring, she froze. Everything in her was telling her to shut her phone off and ignore him but she couldn't. The couple watched as she reached into her bag to answer it.

"Don't feel pressured to answer that but if you want to we are here okay?" Marjorie reassured the blonde. She nodded in response, appreciating the gesture.

She answered hesitantly lifting the phone to her ear. For a moment it was silent until a loud voice boomed out of the phone. She flinched violently, scrunching her face at the sound.

"Where the fuck are you?! How many times have I told you to go work and come home? No detours! You better get back right now before I drag you home myself. I don't need you whoring around." the man was shouting so loud that his voice could be heard throughout the room. The other twos eyes were wide open as they listened to the threats pouring through the phone. Marjorie walked over and rested a hand on her arm to soothe her mouthing "It's okay" in an attempt to make her feel safe. She felt sick listening to the vile threats that Roger was saying to the other woman. How had she put up with this for so long?

For once in her life Siobhan was speechless. Her fear had gotten the better of her and any intelligent thought left her mind. Her hand which held her phone was shaking as she tried to pull herself together. She managed to spill out a few words.

"I'm sorry" that was all she could muster without bursting into tears. For some reason the apology angered the man ever further as he began to spout death threats into her ear. At this Marjorie gently took the phone from her hands. She didn't resist the action at all. Reece's eyes were full of anger as he walked out of the door and slamming it behind him.

After hanging up Marjorie pulled her into a hug, nestling her hand in her shoulder and gently stroking the back of her head. Pulling away she gave the blonde a sympathetic smile and guiding her towards the kitchen.

"Let's get you that drink shall we?" she reached into the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine.

"You read my mind" Siobhan smiled and Marjorie realised that this was the first time that she had ever truly seen her smile.

They both sat on a stool facing opposite each other in the kitchen, leaning on the counter in front of them. Marj looked as if she was itching to ask her a question and she could tell.

"Marjorie if you have something to ask just ask me" she sighed in annoyance. Although the woman had helped her she still could not shake her old habits.

"I don't mean to pry and you don't have to answer but why did you stay with him for so long?" the question shocked Siobhan as she stared down into her wine glass. The other woman noticed the shift in her mood and could tell she was uncomfortable with the question. "You know what don't worry about it pretend I didn't ask" the last thing she wanted to do was make her feel as if she wasn't safe with her.

"No. It's fine. I just hadn't really thought about it much. I think I just believed I deserved it. My whole life I have been used to men controlling my every move so I was just used to it I suppose. I thought it was normal. I mean me and you both know Marjorie that i'm a horrible person, it was just my karma" it felt like a stab in the heart to actually say those words out loud. All that clouded her mind whenever Roger would threaten her or beat her or touch her all she could think about was that one man who begged for her to help him. She had completely dismissed him and let him return to his abusive household. She had made so many people's lives a living hell, it made sense to her why someone like Roger came into her life.

"First of all listen to me closely. Nobody and I mean nobody deserves to be treated the way that Roger treats you. It's inhumane. Despite all of the horrible things you have done in the past, Roger's behaviour towards you can't be pardoned. You truly deserves someone who loves you" the words warmed Siobhan's heart but there was a part of her that still believed she deserved it. It had been drilled into her so deep that she deserved everything that came to her. Roger would tell her she was worthless and her only purpose in life was to serve him and she believed it. It would take time to shake his words away.

"Thank you. I really do appreciate everything you have done for me." she downed her glass peering towards her phone. She contemplated checking it to see what Roger had been saying but her thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang. Marjorie looked confused, she must have not been expecting anyone.

"Wait here I'll be right back" she walked towards the door. Maybe it was just Reece coming back, she knew that he couldn't handle hearing everything come out about his father. It made him feel sick listening to how he treated her.

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