Part 6

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Kyra pov

When you get home you tell Caitlin you're going up to your room and don't want anyone to come up with her.

You start to walk ip the stairs and Alessia call u to our name so you turn around.

Alessia" wait"
Kyra"what's up"
Alessia"I wanna talk about earlier"
Kyra"no less"
Alessia"please I can help"
Kyra"less I said no" you say getting angrier
Alessia"but maybe I can help you"
Kyra"LESS I SAID NO AND YOU CAN'T HELP ME THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN HELP ME RIGHT NOW IS CAITLIN SO JIST STOP PLEASE" after you say that you run up the stairs and slam your door shut.

Caitlin pov

Your on the couch talking with Katie when you shouting so you go get up stand by the door watching Kyra shout at Alessia at this point you knew Alessia was going to break down into tears and same as kyra.

When Kyra stop shouting she ran up the stairs on the urge of tears. As soon as Kyra slam the door shut Alessia broke down into tears you went up to her and just hugged her.

Alessia"cait im such a bad girlfriend I was just trying to help but I got in the way" she says through tears

Caitlin"oh less it's ok Kyra isn't in a good place right now ok? Your not a bad girlfriend she just got a bit frustrated" you say calmly

Alessia"b..but she got m..mad at me s..she never gets mad anyone"

Caitlin"hey it's ok clam down how about you go over and sit with Katie and i will go and talk with Kyra mmh?"

Alessia"o..ok" as she says that you walk her over to Katie and Katie comforts her.

You walk up the stairs and to Kyra's door you can hear quiet little sobs through the door so you knock.

Caitlin"hey Kyra it's only me Caitlin can I come in. You say in a calming voice
Kyra"y..yeah come

You walk in and see Kyra about yo be in a state so you sit next to her and just hugged her tight as she tried.

Caitlin"oh cupcake what's wrong"
Kyra"I screamed at less I didn't mean to I just got angry because she kept asking to talk about what happened when I don't want to" she says through tears

Caitlin"cupcake you gonna have to tell her at one point but for now we need to focus on you yeah?"

Mean while downstairs with Alessia and Katie.

Katie pov

Alessia"she gonna hate me forever she never going to forgive me"
Katie"lessi she doesn't hate you she just in a bad state right now and can't control her emotions and she will for forgive you she love you sm.
Alessia"yeah but I just feel so bad I should of said something in the chill room when the girls kept saying stuff to her
Katie"wait what?" You says as Caitlin still hasn't told you yet
Alessia"did cait not tell you!"
Katie"noo what happened" you say curiously
Alessia"you how she wore my shorts to training today"
Alessia"well everyone kept saying 'didn't know you changed your number' or 'nice shorts Kyra' but they were just playing around and I guess Kyra thought they were picking on her and got upset and walked out."

Less starts to cry little bit so you  puts her head on your chest and lets less let it all out.

Katie"how about you stay with me tonight and Caitlin and stay with Kyra yeah?" You says stroking alessia's hair
Alessia"y..yeah" she says trying to not fall asleep
Katie"it's ok less go to sleep you need it"

And when Katie says that Alessia falls asleep straight away.katie just sits there and plays on her phone for a little bit let less sleep.

Back upstairs with Kyra and Caitlin

Kyra pov

Your sat up on your bed with Caitlin and you want is cuddles so you ask her

Kyra"c..cait can I h..have some caity b..bear cuddles p..please" you say nervously
Caitlin"ofc you can cupcake cone hear"

Caitlin sits up against the bed head and she puts you on her lap and you snuggle into her chest as she hugs you tight.

You always feel safe in Caitlin's arms not that you don't in less's or Katie's but Caitlin is just different she is like family like a real family she cares for you , she helps you through everything no matter what it is she helps you. You just love her so much.

As your laying on Caitlin's chest your starting to drift off but wake back up again.

Caitlin"go to sleep baby girl you need"
She says rubbing your back up and down and slowly after you fall asleep.

Caitlin pov

Kyra is asleep on your chest.u you ou know that Kyra needs you right now as her mh isn't good at the moment so you need to help her as much as you can.

You decide to text Katie that you are gonna stay the night with Kyra so she can keep an eye on her.


C:"hey Kay I'm just going to stay the night with my as she's in a really bad state x"
K:"hey cait yeah I was thinking the same think less isn't too good either x"
You guys text for a hot longer and end up going to bed
C:"ok well I'm going to sleep now night chick xx"
K:"ye me too night chicken xx"

Katie brings less up to bed and she places her on the end then gets in herself and less just cuddles into her chest and Katie thinks its so cute how less can trust her.
You go to sleep as well still having a tight grip on Kyra to make her feel safe

(Idk when the next part is going to out it depends how I feel)

love Kyra x alessia Where stories live. Discover now