Part 11

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Let's skip 3 months you and Alessia are on really good terms but in the other  hand Katie and Caitlin still have not made up since what happened.

Kyra always checks in on Caitlin because she has been really sad these past few months. Kyra and Alessia think it's because she not with Katie because she was always happy with Katie but Caitlin just keeps refusing to talk it out with her.

It's a Monday morning Kyra and Alessia are all ready for training and they have to leave in 1 hour. Caitlin still isn't up so Kyra goes to check on her

Kcc-"I'm going to get her up"
Ar-"ok shout me if you need me"
Kcc-"I'm will"

Kyra goes upstairs and to Caitlin's room she knocks on the door and there was no answer so she knocks again and there was no answer so she walk in the saw Caitlin crying while rolled in a ball.

Kcc-"oh cait come here , are you ok"
-hugs Caitlin-
Cf-" I'm not o..ok"
-cuddles into Kyra's chest-
Kcc-"what's wrong Bub"
Cf-"everything , everyone is annoying me except you and less and Katie has told everyone about the fight and now I don't even know if they like me anymore. I don't think anyone likes me anymore"
-tears are streaming down her face-
Kcc-"oh darling everyone loves you especially me. How about you get ready for training and I can talk to everyone?"
Cf-"I'm not going to training" she says through tears
Kcc-"yes you are let's go come on"
Cf-"ky im not going"
Kcc-then im not going"
Cf-"yes you are your not going because of me you go and i will stay home"
Kcc-"no you are coming or im staying"
Cf-"fine I will go"
Kcc-"good now get dressed and come downstairs when your ready"

Caitlin gets ready and comes downstairs and sees Kyra and less sitting on the couch and she goes over and sits next to Kyra and leans her head on her shoulder

Kcc-"you ok now"
-puts her arm around Caitlin-
Kcc-"cait what's wrong"
Cf-"I just... I..I just miss Katie she was the only one that could make me happy when I am sad beside you and I just miss her" -a Tear rolls down her face-
Kcc-oh caity bear it's ok how a  bi out you just talk to her"
Cf-"yeah but everytime I go to talk to her she walks away to Beth and viv so I can't talk to her"
Ar-"how about I try and talk to her for you cait"
Cf-"yeah ok but can I just stay home from training today and I promise will go tomorrow" -she's begging-
Kcc-fine but you are definitely coming tomorrow"
Cf-"yes thank you ky" -hugs her-
Kcc-"alright we've got to go now...cait call me if anything happens and u mean anything ok we're going now bye"
-she kisses Caitlin on the head and goes to training-

They finish training and before Katie left Alessia called out to her

Ar-"KATIE , Katie wait up can I speak with you please"
Km-"umm yeah sure what's up"
Ar-"it's about Caitlin"
Km-"oh umm ok what's wrong"
Ar-"Katie she really misses you. She is so sad without you, when we are at home you barely see her smile ,laugh , or even be happy and whenever we ask her what's wrong all she says is "I just want Katie back" and she always crying but she doesn't tell us why , she's always cuddling someone mostly Kyra but that's not the point...Katie she misses you so much"
-Katie has tears in her eyes-
Km-"if I new she felt like that I would have said something earlier"
Ar-"what do you mean by you would have said something earlier?"
Km-"less..I will be honest I messed Caitlin so much I'm crying every night because no one is there to cuddle me and when I get nervous and have a panic attack I have to calm myself down because no one is there I always feel so lonely..I just miss being with her" -she's crying now-
Ar-"oh Katie come here"
-Alessia hugs Katie when Kyra comes out and walks over to them-
Kcc-"hey guys what going on?"
-Alessia signals kyra to not talk about it-
Kcc-"less I will met you in the car"

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