Part 9

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Downstairs with Katie Alessia Beth and viv

Beth pov

You pulled Alessia out of the lounge room and into the kitchen you sat her down to try and calm her down.

Beth"less you need to calm down"
Alessia"I can't I just can't why did Leah do that"
Beth"i don't know but what i do know is that you need to calm down so we can fix this ok?"
Alessia"I'll try"
Beth"good girl"

Yous just sit there in silence until Leah walks past and Alessia try's to go for her but you pull her down.

Beth"less no. Don't go for please just stay calm"
Alessia"I can't I just can't Beth she such a bitch I hate I hate her"

After less's says that she just breaks down into to tears.

Beth"come here"

You pull less into a hug and just let her cry.
Beth"let it all out sweet pea "
Alessia"I..I just don't know w..what to do"
Beth"what do you mean"
Alessia"I don't know what to do Leah messed stuff up with Kyra and I've been struggling.beffy I can't handle it anymore"
Beth"oh sweet pea why didn't you say anything me Caitlin Katie Kyra or vivi could of help you"
Alessia"Kyra is struggling and I was just trying to help her and not worry about myself"
Beth"ok...well how about you tell me what's wrong"
Alessia"yeah ok"
Beth"take your time"

Alessia takes a deep breath before taking she explains that she has had bad sh thoughts.

Alessia"I have had bad sh thoughts and I can't deal with"
Beth"have you done any sh?"
Alessia"yes" she looks down straight after she said that
Beth"ok can we go in the bathroom and you can show me?"
Alessia"ok yea"

Yous go up to the Bathroom and less pull down her pants and shows you her legs and most of it looks fresh and some of them look old.

Beth"oh sweet pea can I clean them so they don't get infected?"
Beth"ok hop up on the bench please"

Alessia sits on the bench and Beth cleans her cuts. Alessia winces I pain while Beth finishes up.Beth pulls up Alessia's pants and hugs her

Beth"alright all done"
Alessia"thank you Beth"
Beth"your welcome sweet pea"
Alessia"can we go downstairs"
Beth"of course"

You and Alessia go downstairs and sit with Katie and viv yous join in on the conversation they are having and just sit there talking

Upstairs with caitlin and Kyra

Caitlin pov

You are sitting on the floor with Kyra in the corner of the room Kyra almost going to sleep on the ground so you pick her up and put her in bed.

Kyra"cait wait"
Caitlin"what's wrong cupcake"
Kyra"can you stay with me please"
Caitlin"of course I can"

You get into the bed beside Kyra and she just lays on top of you with her head on your chest and soon after she's play on your phone for a little bit until you fall asleep

Back downstairs

Katie pov

Katie"I'm going to check on them"
Beth"Katie I think ther-" she stops talking because your already upstairs

You knock on Kyra's door and there was no answer so you knock again but no answer so you slowly open the door and see them both sleeping you close the door and go downstairs a bit angry

Beth is sitting with Alessia so you go and sit next to viv and just flop on the lounge

Viv"what's wrong Katie"
Katie"everything is wrong"
Viv"why what's happening"
Katie"it Caitlin all she does is spend her time with Kyra all she does is talk about how worry she is and Kyra it's always Kyra this Kyra that it's always about Kyra and she even gives Kyra more cuddles then me and I'm her GIRLFRIEND"
Beth"Katie calm down Kyra isn't in a good place right now"
Katie"how am I meant to calm down when my girlfriend is spending all her time with someone else and not with me"

You just sit there in silence until Caitlin comes down she seems angry

Caitlin pov

Katie"hey babe" you go to hug her but she backs way
Caitlin"no don't 'hey babe' me when apparently I don't want to spend time with you and all I do is talk about Kyra and only care about Kyra...yes I heard the hole thing Katie"
Katie"I'm sorry I reall-"you get cut off
Caitlin" no your not sorry because of you were sorry you wouldn't of said those things in the first place and I do want to spend time with you it just that Kyra and needs my help right now she not doing good and all you care about is yourself getting attention from me yes I would love to have all my attention on you but right now Kyra is the one I'm worried about"
Katie"see here we going again talking about Kyra"
Caitlin"don't even get me started"
Katie"well then why are you spending every minute with her you care ahh bi put her more than anyone else"
Katie"YES I DO"
Katie"Caitlin why didn't you tell me"
Caitlin"I didn't tell anyone because last time we told everyone something horrible happened to her and I'm trying to protect her from that happening again because it was horrible why do you think I was over the moon to see her as the new signing and even if she wasn't my sister I would still care for her just as much as I do right now so how about you just shut your mouth go somewhere else and I'm sorry but Katie we are on a break I can't deal with you right now" you have tears in your eyes and Just run upstairs
Katie"Caitlin wait"

You go into Kyra's room and just see her crying on the bed you go over to her and pick her up and just doing little twists side to side calming her down

Caitlin"oh bubs come here...what's wrong"
Kyra"I'm sorry"
Caitlin"cupcake what are you sorry for?"
Kyra"sorry for everything...everything is my fault I made everything happens ruined everything"
Caitlin"no you didn't you didn't make any of that happen none of it was your fault"
Kyra"it was cait the fight you had with Katie was about me, the break was because of me and you not spending enough time with Katie was because of me"
Caitlin"can you listen to me none of this was your fault the fight I had was because of Katie she started it and she knew that you needed me but she decided to be selfish and only care about herself ok the breaks was Katie's fault she's the one who didn't care about anything or anyone at that moment and I wanted to all that time with you to make sure you were ok so don't think any of this is your fault because it's not"

Kyra pov

You just snuggle your head into Caitlin's neck while she holds you rocking you side to side and you get really sleepy

Kyra"cait?" You say in a tried voice
Caitlin"yeah cupcake"
Kyra"can we go to bed and can I have some caity bear hugs"
Caitlin"ofc we can bubs"

As she says that she lays you down first than lays down herself than opens her legs for you to go in and you lay with your head on her chest and with her stroking your hair and you both fall asleep

love Kyra x alessia Where stories live. Discover now