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Charles sat alone in his apartment, the stillness of the room pressing down on him like a physical weight. His thoughts churned relentlessly, looping back to the moment Max had left, his expression a mix of hurt and betrayal. The guilt gnawed at Charles, an unrelenting ache that refused to be ignored.

He had spent the entire night replaying the conversation in his head. He knew that Max had every right to be angry, and he hated himself for keeping such a monumental secret from the one person who mattered most. Charles had thought he was doing the right thing by respecting Red Bull's confidentiality, but now, he wasn't so sure.

As the morning light filtered through the curtains, Charles knew he couldn't stay locked in his apartment all day. He needed to clear his head, to find some way to make sense of the tangled mess of emotions he was drowning in. He decided to take a walk, hoping the fresh air might provide some clarity.

The streets of Monaco were bustling with activity, but Charles felt disconnected from it all, his mind elsewhere. He wandered aimlessly, the familiar sights and sounds doing little to soothe his troubled thoughts. Eventually, he found himself at the harbor, the tranquil water offering a brief respite from his inner turmoil.

He sat on a bench, staring out at the yachts bobbing gently in the water. The serenity of the scene contrasted sharply with the chaos in his heart. Charles took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but the weight of his guilt and the uncertainty of the future bore down on him.

His phone buzzed, pulling him out of his reverie. He glanced at the screen and saw a message from Pierre.

Pierre : Hey mate, you okay? Haven't heard from you in a while.

Charles hesitated before typing a response.

Charles : Not really. Can we meet up? I need to talk.

Pierre's reply was almost immediate.

Pierre : Of course. How about the usual café in an hour?

Charles agreed and put his phone away, feeling a small measure of relief at the prospect of talking to someone who might understand. He made his way to the café, arriving a little early and finding a table near the back. He ordered a coffee and waited, his thoughts still a chaotic swirl.

Pierre arrived right on time, his expression concerned as he approached. He took a seat opposite Charles and gave him a searching look.

"What's going on, Charles? You look like you haven't slept in days."

Charles managed a weak smile. "I haven't. It's been... rough."

Pierre nodded, his eyes filled with sympathy. "Tell me what happened."

Charles took a deep breath and began to recount the events of the past few days, from the Red Bull offer to Max's reaction. He spoke slowly, his voice heavy with emotion, and Pierre listened intently, his expression growing more serious with each word.

When Charles finished, there was a long silence. Pierre leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed in thought.

"That's a tough situation, mate. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to keep that secret from Max."

Charles nodded, his throat tight. "I thought I was doing the right thing, but now... I don't know. Max looked so hurt, and I don't blame him."

Pierre reached across the table, giving Charles' hand a reassuring squeeze. "You were in a difficult position. It's not easy to navigate something like this. But you need to talk to Max, explain everything. He deserves to know the full story."

"I did explain, but he was so angry. I don't know if he really understood what i was saying or if he'll even listen to me now."

Pierre's expression softened. "Give him some time. This is a lot for him to process. But don't give up. If you really care about each other, you'll find a way to work through this."

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