Bridges undone

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Max's day continued in a haze of emotions. The conversation with Daniel had provided some relief, but it also brought a sharp clarity to his thoughts. He couldn't ignore his feelings for Charles any longer. As much as he tried to bury them under layers of racing, friendships, and casual conversations, they always surfaced, more insistent and urgent than ever.

After breakfast, Max decided he needed some fresh air. He told Daniel he was going for a walk and stepped out into the crisp winter morning. Monaco was quiet this time of year, the usual hustle and bustle muted by the off-season calm. Max wandered aimlessly, his thoughts a chaotic mix of memories and what-ifs.

He found himself drawn to the harbor, where the serene waters offered a semblance of peace. Max leaned against the railing, staring out at the boats bobbing gently on the waves. He remembered the times he and Charles had spent here, talking about their dreams, their fears, and their plans for the future. It felt like a lifetime ago.

Max's phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling him out of his reverie. He glanced at the screen—another message from his manager about upcoming commitments. He sighed and put the phone back without replying. Today, he needed to focus on himself.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Max? Is that you?"

Max turned around to see a British Mclaren driver approaching, a surprised but friendly smile on his face.

"Lando," Max greeted, trying to muster a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Just enjoying the off-season," Lando replied, joining Max at the railing. "Needed a break from all the training. How about you?"

Max shrugged. "Same. Just trying to clear my head."

Lando studied him for a moment. "You look like you could use a friend. Want to grab a coffee and talk?"

Max hesitated but then nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good."

They found a nearby café and settled into a quiet corner, steaming mugs of coffee in front of them. Lando didn't press immediately, giving Max the space to gather his thoughts.

"It's been a rough year," Max finally said, staring into his coffee. "Everything with the championship, the pressure, and..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

"And Charles," Lando finished for him, his voice gentle.

Max looked up, surprised. "How did you—"

Lando gave him a knowing smile. "We're all friends, Max. And it's not hard to see how much you cared about him. Still do, probably."

Max sighed, feeling the weight of his emotions pressing down on him. "Yep. Still do."

Lando nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. "It's okay to miss him, you know. And it's okay to feel confused about everything. Relationships are messy, especially when you're both under so much pressure."

Max nodded slowly. "I just... I don't know how to fix it. Or if it can even be fixed."

"Maybe it's not about fixing it," Lando suggested. "Maybe it's about understanding what went wrong and learning from it. And maybe, if you're both willing, finding a way to move forward—together or apart."

Max mulled over Lando's words. They made sense, but the thought of facing Charles again, of confronting all those unresolved emotions, was daunting. Still, he knew he couldn't keep running from it.

"Thanks, Lando," Max said finally. "Didn't know you were such a philosopher, but, I guess I needed to hear that."

Lando smiled. "Anytime, mate. Just remember, you're not alone in this. You've got friends who care about you."

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