Hanging out

15 0 16

Adam pov

"Guys we are going to fix the roof plus we have 2 deanu now" I say

"Hey" both of the deans say

Everyone gigiles and we start to fix the roof after 5 hours of work it was fix

Me and Joe was talking

"So joe what do you think we expanded the house so you guys can stay until we find away for you to get home" I say

"Thanks man that's means a lot what do you think everyone is doing right now" Joe says

"Both of the deans probably causing trouble" I say


Zelina pov

"So your liv from a different universe" I say

"Yeah I am" she says

Anyone you like I ask

"Donminck" she replied

"Out of all people you like donmick he dick" I reply

"All of sudden she looked like a yandre don't talk about dom dom like that OK" she says then she gose back to normal

"Anyway do you like anyone zelina how about a certain Adam" she asked

I started to blush

"What no no were just friends" I say


Ajm dean pov

"So other me you want to use seth bank account to buy stuff" I ask

"Yes I took my seth bank account aswell let's do it" he replied

They both head off running with the bank account


"How am I alive I back I thought I died" michael says

"Be patient and you will see pirece" says

Well that's it what will happen next comment down what should happen next as always shout out to MrAmbrose1 and some other shout out to JadeSabinUK have an amazing day bye

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