Going To The Comic Store

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(This episode will follow Adam Joe Ajm la knight Ajm dean Ajm seth Ma1 sash  and Ma1 dolph so for next couple of chapters I going to get different charters to interact with each other instead of splitting into groups)

Adam pov

"So guys were do you want to go" joe said

"To the bar" dolph said

"To  area 51" dean said

"How about the comic store" la knight said

"Sure" Adam says

As we all head to the comic store

"So Adam dean seth and knight do you know a place called ass whine dose the other dolph own it" dolph ask

"No but our dolph is a life guard"  here I say

"So Adam when you going to ask zelina out" Joe ask

"Maybe tomorrow but I know sheep will rhect me OK" I say

"Adam the chance of her rejecting you is like me getting my hand stuck in a toaster" dean says as he shows his hand in an toaster

We talked a bit longer about stuff until we got to the comic shop

"So we're the drinks" both dean and dolph asked

"First dean you been here before and second dolph this is a comic shop" seth said

"Yeeeeeeeah" la knight said

So seth who are you dating in this universe sasha ask

"Well I dating the other you I just gusseing your dating the other me" seth says

But out of nowhere 2 people I don't know come over to us

"Hey Joe they" say

"Oh come on dint know you 2 got transported here" joe said

"Adam meet hade and bay the sister of bayley" Joe said


"Good news Michael I heard some of my vilans friends have also been transported here as well so we can use them to help us OK" pierce says

"Got it so what are we going to about these 6"  michael says pointing to map but with pictures on it

Well that's its folks anyway as usual shout out to MrAmbrose1 JadeSabinUK

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