The Fight Part 1

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No one pov

Adam gose straight after Michael

"You  should be dead I dealt with you before I can deal with you again" Adam says as he hits michael

"Well I stronger than you this time" michael says as he throws Adam into a wall

"Adam" zelina shouts as her both of the deans and Ajm becky rush over to him

Who next michael says but just then he gets hit with a super kick by Ma1 dolph and gets super kicked by Ajm dolph

"Wellcome to the party other me you got any drinks" Ma1 dolph say

"No but let's deal with this guy" Ajm dolph says


Ma1 becky Ma1 sasha Ajm sasha and Ajm becky are teaming up against Ma1 alexa and Ajm Charlotte


"Pirece I should of known it was you and what Adam have told me michael should of been dead so how is he alive" joe ask

"I just brought his body and realived him it's simple joe but you won't understand" pirece says


Ma1 seth and Ajm seth were teaming up against dami

Hey am I seeing double dami says

No your just seeing 2 people who will kick your ass Ma1 seth says

"Yeah" Ajm seth

Just then dami was able to grab both of the seth and choke slam both of them

"Hey good one dami" Ajm Finn says

"Oi we got unfinished business after you tried to hurt bayley" Ma1 finn says

"I got your back" Ajm logan says standing next to Ma1 finn with Ajm bayley and Ma1 bayley


"So this what I would look like a villain" Ajm aj  says to Ma1 aj

"So your a weaklin in your unives" Ma1 aj says

"Jade and bay ley why are you with them and not us" Ajm alexa says

"For the pay" both of them say

"Siersoly" Ajm rhea says

Shane was fight with Ajm  jey and Ajm la kight

Menwhile back to adam

Adam was down and hurt

"Adam are you OK" zelina ask

Adam gets back up and nod

And charges at Michael and gets him on the ground but Michael just laugh witch leaves both deans both dolphs Ma1 liv Ma1 dom zelina and Adam shocked

Why are you laughing are you drunk do you need ass whine Ma1 dolph ask

"Not the time other me he lost a screw in his head" Ajm dolph says

Ooooh can draw on him pls Ma1 liv says

"No liv you can only do that to dom" Ma1 dean says

"Don't remind me" Ma1 dom says

"Anyway what are going to do with him" zelina ask

"We either throw him off a cliff bury him alive put him in a freeze or kill him" Ajm dean says

"Everyone be quite why are you laughing michael" Adam says

"Because he is here" Michael says

Ajm roman reigns enters

Miss me he says

And that's what a big episode to part 1 of the first arc the second part of the first arc will come out later today

Anyway shout out to MrAmbrose1 JadeSabinUK

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