Oh No

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Adam pov

Its was a quite morning until I heard something smash I rushed down and saw zelina farviote cup was smashed

"Dean what did you do" I ask

"Well my other self was out with liv mia and jey so I thought I cause chaos" Ma1 dean said

"I would run if I was, you" I said

"Why" Ma1 dean said

"what is she going to do" Ma1 dolph says

Just then zelina runs out with 2 shoes and throws them both at dolph and dean and they are knocked out

"So Adam are you going to buy me a new cup" zelina asked

I sigh

"Do you want me to get the psychopath liv morgan" she says

We both hear dominik screaming

"Fine I get you a new cup" I say

Zelina heads back to her room

"Where joe when I need him" I say

Joe pov

"So seth why are we at the mall" I ask

"Well I have a tracker on my sasha and looks like she here" Ajm seth say

"Why do you have a tracker on her" Ma1 seth

"Well she normally gets lost so that's why he put a tracker on her" Ajm dolph says


Sasha has spent all of seth money

Rhea pov

"So alexa" I ask

"Yeah babe" she replied

"Who are we looking for" I ask

"We're looking for there randy orton and the information they gave me leads me to think he at the police station" alexa says

We go inside

Alexa burst down the door  open, and we  walked in

"So I guessing your the other rhea and alexa and were is my other self" Ma1 randy ask

"He on vacation he back tomorrow" alexa says

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