Ma1 Bayley Meet Ajm Finn

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Ma1 Bayley pov

"Hey finn I going to head out and explore today" I say to finn

"OK bayley but be careful" finn says

"I will"  I say

I head down stairs and see both of the deans head butting the tv

"Guys isn't that dangerous" I ask

"Yeah that's why we doing it" Ajm dean said

"I would rather get thrown of a bridge but hey life is tough" Ma1 dean said

Adam and zelina ran into the room

"Guys that 5 TV you broke this week and it's only Tuesday" Adam says

"What are going to do" ma1 dean

Zelina starts chasing them with her shoe

Before I left bay ley said bye to me

Ajm jey pov

I was in the kitchen with Mia

"So where do you want to go on a date next mia" I ask

But before she could answer donmick runs into the kitchen and get in the cupboard

Then Ma1 liv also comes into the kitchen

"Hey you seen dom dom" she ask

We both point to the cupboard and we leave the kitchen and we hear scream we then see Adam and Joe on the phone talking to someone probably to get another TV because of both deans

Alexa and rhea come over

"Hey girls" mia says

"Hey" I say to them

"We were wondering if you wanted to go on a double date with us alexa" said

"Yes" we both said

Ma1 bayley pov

I was walking to the park after I went to some shops

The I saw someone who looked like finn

I ran over to him "finn" I shouted and gave him a hug

"What fuck get of me bayley" he said

"Finn why are you swearing at oh wait your this universe finn" I say I try to run a way but finn grabed me

"Oi dami I got the other unives bayley we should give her to the boss" he says

just then my finn joe Adam bay ley came to save me and dami and the other finn ran away
"Yeah stay away I the only one who can be mean to her" bay ley said


Sorry Michael we failed dami said

It's fine at least we know you were right pirece Michael says

"I always right" pirece says

"What's next" said finn

"We find this universe roman reigns" pirece says


"Hey dean what were you doing in the basement before they arvied" Adam asked

"Messing with the generator" Ajm dean answerd

"Wait dean weren't you measing with a generator back in our universe" joe asked Ma1 dean

"Yep" he replied

" that how you ended up here" Adam said

"I should of known it was dean" Joe said

Well that's it for this episode what a twist seemed like it was both dean and pierce that made them get to Ajm univers but hey shout out to MrAmbrose1 JadeSabinUK

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