Ask Each other Out

6 0 13

zelina pov

"So any ideas to ask him out" I ask

"Well you could do what I do claim him writing on stomach" Ma1 liv says

"I can't believe you are me from a different universe" Ajm liv says

Both of the liv started to agure so I left and bump into alexa rhea and both sasha

"So have you asked him out yet" alexa says

"No I have not built the courage up to tell him how did you all get with your love interest" I ask

"Well me and my seth got together during high school" Ma1 sasha says

"Same" Ajm sasha says

"Well me and sugar pee got together at a park" rhea says

When rhea ripley said that alexa was a blushing mess

"I hate you" alexa said to rhea

"Zelina all you have to do is ask him and don't be a chicken bay" ley said from the couch

"Just ask him out" jade said

"Fine wish me look" I said as went to look for adam


Adam pov

I was pacing back and forward and thinking how to do it

"What do you think" I ask Ma1 dean

"You want to know what I think" he replied

"Yes" I answer

"All you need to say is Are you a bank loan? Because you've got my interest." Ma1 dean said

"No no no I not going to say that she would kill me" I say then Ajm dean come into the room

"Do you want my advice" Ajm dean ask

"No but your going to say it anyway" I respond

"All you have to is simply is Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you." Ajm dean says

"What is wrong with both of you" Ma1 dolph says

"Obviously the best way to ask her out is Are you a cocktail? Because whenever I'm around you, everything gets a little mixed up." he says

" OK all you 3 are idiots" ajm jey says as him joe and Ajm seth coming into the room

"Adam if you want advice first dont get advice from them and second be yourself" joe says

"Thanks" I say as I head off

I went to find zelina I looked for ages but couldn't see her I went to get a drink from the kitchen and then I bumped into her

"Sorry about that zelina" I say but I blush a bit

"It's fine zelina" says but there a faint blush

"I was wonder if you would be my girlfriend" I ask

"Dang" she says

"What do you not want to be" I reply

"No I wanted to ask you" she says

The all of sudden we kiss

"Now Adam get laid" Ma1 dean says then Ma1 becky slaps him on the head

Everyone gigiles at that then congratulations to zelina and Adam


"Hey Michael I want to introduce Shane to you" pirece says

Well that was a bigger episode than I expected to but as always shout out to MrAmbrose1 JadeSabinUK

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