7 0 0

OHIO, 1995


"maddie, shush. we're gonna get caught!" yelena says smiling. "but i wanna see santa!" i say laughing. we hear footsteps and hide under the covers pretending to sleep. "oh you aren't fooling anyone." natasha says. i shoot up. "has he came yet?" i ask. "oh, yeah. he's long gone." natasha says smiling. "what" i say annoyed. yelena sits up, "you're joking?" she asks. "nope" natasha says, popping the 'p'. i look at natasha. "are there any presents?" i ask. she replies, "nope! you both were soooo naughty he only came for the cookies!" natasha says jokingly. "darn it." i say. "maddie, im only joking! there's loads of presents!" natasha says. yelena and i jump up, excited.


i can hear someone trying to enter my apartment. i grab my gun and walk around. "come in." i say with a thick russian accent. i hear the door open to reveal a ginger and a blonde. i smirk. "natasha." i say. "its been, what? twenty-one years, and you're all of a sudden coming here?" i say about to attack her. "lets talk." natasha says. "nope." i reply popping the 'p' i glance at the blonde girl before lunging at natasha. i get onto her shoulders and wrap my legs around her neck. i can hear gasping. the ginger woman digs her nails into my thighs and starts biting me. she ends up throwing me on the floor. i slowly get up and reach for the gun on the table. the blonde woman is leaning against the doorframe.

i shoot the floor which scares her. "im glad you're comfortable." i say before attacking the woman again. i swipe her off of her feet before throwing a knife right by her head. the blonde girl starts attacking me. "oh come on, two against one? i dont think thats fair." i say before pinning the blonde against the wall, strangling her. she gets out of my grip and slams me into a wall making me fall. she looks at a wooden chair. "dont do it." i say.


i hold onto my head. "сука" i stand up slowly. the blonde woman grabs me by the throat. i slap her before she throws me onto a table. "really?" i say as i stand up and kick the woman to her feet. natasha walks up to me. "can we please just talk." natasha asks. "no." i spit before throwing a glass bottle at her head. the blonde woman gets up and starts punching and kicking me. "yelena!" natasha replies. it's yelena. i swipe the girl to her feet one more time and walk away. "yelena, thats enough." natasha says. "why are you here?" i ask noticing a bright red colour coming from a bag on the floor. "madelyn, we need your help." natasha says. "thats madelyn?" yelena asks with a russian accent. "yes." natasha replies.

silence. "you threw a chair at me!" "you slapped me!" we say at the same time. we both turn to natasha. "what do you want." i ask. before anyone can reply we hear footsteps on the roof. yelena and i run into the kitchen while natasha runs into another room. yelena grabs the bag. she holds my arm as we both run into another room, avoiding getting shot. natasha grabs both of us and slams us into a wall protecting us from everything. i give her a look. we all run out of the apartment. "where are we trying to get?" natasha yells as we run up the stairs. "motorbike, east side of the building." yelena replies. i hear shots being fired through the window, i feel a bullet go into my arm. i groan at the feeling and carry on running.

we get to the roof and start sliding down it. we get to this massive pole and yelena and natasha are using all of their strength to push it. i bend down and take a screw out. natasha yanks me close to her before kicking the roof. i wince at the pain in the arm. a widow follows us and jumps after a while. natasha grabs onto her. "i got you! i got you!" she says. before the widow pulls out a knife trying to stab her. natasha lost grip of the widow and she falls. yelena lands through a window into a building. natasha and i fall hitting a load of things, landing on our feet. i wince and grab my stomach. "you okay?" natasha asks as she offers a hand to help me up and i nod.

yelena runs out of the building while natasha hovers over the widow. "do you believe me now?" yelena asks. "how many others?" natasha asks. "enough." yelena replies. i look at yelena confused before running out to a motorbike. i shove a guy off of his before driving away, yelena and natasha close behind me. i swerve into an alley and notice another widow close behind. i sigh before going left and right, swerving several cars. i check to see no sign of yelena and natasha. i drive across a train track and the train passes several seconds later the bike hit a half-wall and i fall landing on a car then hard concrete. i groan in pain. "fantasztikus." i hear a familiar russian voice say. i open my eyes to see natasha offering me her hand. she helps me up. "yelena, you cant just steal a guys car." natasha says climbing in. "so you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?" yelena asks as i hop in the car.

the widow on the motorbike starts shootings the car and we all duck. "any time now." yelena says as natasha tries to get out from between cars. "shut up!" natasha says. "so what now?" i ask. i get no response. "i feel out of place." i say and yelena looks back at me. natasha swerves left and right trying to avoid the widow. "so you got a plan or shall we stay duck and cover?" yelena asks natasha. "my plan was to drive us away!" natasha says. "thats a shit plan." yelena replies. "wait. you dont have some big superhero plan?" i ask annoyed and i get no reply. i throw my hands up in the air and scoff. yelena grabs the driving wheel and spins it so natasha is driving backwards. yelena kicks her door open at a stop sign knocking the widow down. natasha turns the car back around. "you're welcome." yelena says.

a car flips onto ours and yelena and i whip out heads back. "oh shit." i say. "hes back." yelena says. natasha looks into the mirror. "put your seatbelt on." she says looking at yelena. she looks back at me. "you too madelyn." natasha says "your such a mom." yelena says. "madelyn. climb to the front." natasha says. before i can move the car flips. i hit the roof of the car whereas yelena and natasha both stay in their seats. i get thrown to the front as the car lands on other cars and down the subway stairs, i smash through the window. i slowly stand up to see natasha and yelena coming out of the car. i have many cuts and bruises. natasha grabs both yelena and i to slide down the middle of the escalator. natasha holding onto yelena and yelena holding onto me. the widow throws a shield and all three of us roll over to avoid getting hit.



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