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natasha turns to me, i look up at her and take a sip from my beer. "what?" i ask. "i was inviting you too. i think the three of us have earned to do this." natasha says. "me?" i ask. natasha laughs. "yes madelyn, the three of us." natasha says looking at yelena then back at me. i look at yelena and she nods. i look back towards natasha. "what do we got to lose" i say and natasha starts smiling.

we look over to see a man in his garage. "i saw where he out the keys." natasha says. "top drawer, green cabinet." yelena and i say at the same time.

natasha starts driving on the motorway. i lay in the back seats trying to get some sleep. i wince when i lean on my arm. "you know, this is the first piece of clothing ive ever bought for myself." yelena says, breaking the comfortable silence. "that?" natasha says looking at her, chewing her gum and smacking her lips together. "yeah, you dont like it?" yelena asks. "is that like a... is it army surplus or.." natasha says still chewing obnoxiously loud. "okay it has a lot of pockets." yelena says defending her piece of clothing. natasha chuckles. "but i use them all the time, and i made some of my own modifications." yelena says, then she scoffs. "oh yeah?" natasha says smiling. i sit up. "hey, madelyn. do you like it?" yelena asks looking back at me. "yeah i love it, you know what i dont love? loud chewers." i say looking directly at natasha who immediately starts chewing quietly. "ha." i say. "anyway, the point is, ive never.. ive never had control over my own life before, and now i do. i wanna do things." yelena says and natasha looks at her and smiles. "hmm... i like your vest." natasha says smiling. "i knew it. i knew you did. its so cool, right?" yelena says happy that her sisters like her vest. "its good, yes. i like it." natasha says smiling, eyes still on the road. "and you can put so much stuff in there. you wouldn't even know. i really dont know where the red room is, though. im sorry." yelena says. "i know. but i think i know somebody who does." natasha says and i immediately look at her. "oh, yeah? who?" yelena asks. "we're gonna need a jet." natasha says. the rest of the drive is complete silence and i manage to fall asleep. before i know it im getting woken up by the blonde. i sit up.

i hear natasha say. "i said we needed a jet." i look over to her and get out of the car. "yeah, you know what you didn't give me? time. or money. im not made of jets." i hear a british voice say. i turn around to see a tall, tanned man. "i thought you were supposed to be the best. like a real pro." yelena says. "oh, i beg your pardon tsarina. was the flat and liftime supply of kissel not to your liking?" the man says. "ha!" yelena says. yelena and i walk over to the front of thr helicopter. yelena fogs up the window and i draw a smiley face. we both laugh before walking back over to the other two. "dont let her wind you up." natasha says looking at the man. "no. i take exception to impugning my professionalism." the man says. "well you did set me up with a generator that crapped out after six hours." natasha says. the man scoffs. "you too, huh. tag team?" he says pointing at all three of us. "hold up. i never even said anything." i say with my russian accent. "you said it with your eyes." he said pointing at his eyes and widening them. "aw, hes sensitive. see why you keep him around." yelena says. "everyone needs a sensitive man in their life." i say with a thick russian accent. he turns to me. "who even are you?" he asks. "who are you?" i ask. "rick mason." he says. "ah. the famous rick mason. madelyn volková." i say. "oh, are you the third sister?" he asks and i simply nod. he turns back to natasha, eyes widened and she laughs. "where's the rest?" natasha asks. "voilà" he says putting a bag on the floor.

all three girls crouch down to see whats in the bag. "ooh." yelena says as she pulls out a beef jerky "ew." i simply say before pulling out a protein bar. i smile at it. "oh, i stashed those like, five years ago." natasha says and yelena ignores her and takes a bite. "how is it?" natasha says smiling. before yelena replies i take a bite out of the protein bar and make a disgusted face. natasha and rick laugh. "its dry.. its really dry." she says before walking in the helicopter and spitting it out. i let out a laugh and quickly follow her onto the plane.

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