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all three of us climb into a vent as quickly as we can. "are you okay?" natasha asks looking at yelena and i. i let out a laugh. "did you not see me smash through the window?" i ask. natasha says nothing. "great plan, i love the part where i slmost bled to death!" yelena says. "this is cozy." she also says. "barton and i spent two fays hiding out up here." natasha replies. "that must've been fun." yelena says. "so much fun." i say looking at the  naughts and crosses. natasha glances at me and smiles slightly. i bang my shoulder against the vent and wince in pain. "you good?" natasha asks and i give her a look. "yeah. sure." i reply. "who the hell is that guy?" natasha asks. "dreykov's special project. he can mimic anyone he's ever seen. it's like fighting a mirror. dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions." yelena says. "well at least we're a top priority mission." i say and yelena looks at me. "no?" i ask. "no." she replies. "ah, okay." i say awkwardly with my russian accent coming out. "this doesn't make any sense." natasha says and i look at her. "well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details. madelyn knows something and you know something." yelena says. "what is that supposed to mean?" natasha asks. "you didn't say one word about dreykov's daughter. you killed her." i blurt out widening my eyes. "i had to. i needed her to lead me to dreykov." natasha says. "and here you are, not so sure." yelena says. "i needed out." natasha replies.
we walk into a gas station store. "the red room is still active. where is it?" natasha asks looking back at yelena and i. i shrug my shoulders and walk past her. "i have no idea. he moves locations constantly. and every widow is sedated on entry and exit for maximum security." yelena says walking to the back of the store. "im just finding it hard to believe that he could stay off of my radar." i snicker loudly.

yelena and natasha both look at me. "hes not stupid enough to go after an avenger." i say looking at natasha. "yeah, the clue is in the name. dreykov kills you. one of the big ones comes to avenge you." yelena says. "wait, what are the big ones?" natasha asks looking at yelena. "well i doubt to god of space needs to take an ibuprofen after a fight." yelena says and natasha looks at her.

before she can reply yelena asks. "where did you think i was all this time?" natasha looks up at her before going to wash her hands. "i thought that you got out and were living a normal life." natasha replies. "and, what about me?" i ask genuinely curious. "same for yelena, living a nice life, or dead." she says looking at herself in the mirror. "and you just never made contact again?" yelena asks. "honestly, i thought both of you didnt want to see me again." natasha says. "and here we are." i say. "bullshit. you just didn't want your baby sisters to tag along, while you saved the world with the cool kids." yelena says. "i mean shes got a point." i say shrugging my shoulders. natasha looks at me and barges past us.

"you guys weren't really my sisters." natasha says. yelena and i look at eachother. "and the avengers aren't really your family. why do you always do that thing?" yelena asks. "what thing?" natasha replies. "the thing you do, when your fighting. the.. like.. the thing you do when you whip your hair when you're fighting. with the arm and the hair. and you do like, a fighting pose.  its a.." yelena laughs. "its a fighting pose. you're a total poser." yelena says. "im not a poser." natasha says. "well, you do kinda pose. you are a poser." i say. "see! even madelyn agrees." yelena says. "i mean, they're great poses, but it does look like you think everyones looking at you, like, all the time." yelena says. "well all that time i spent posing, i was trying to actually make up for all the pain and suffering we caused. trying to br more than a trained killer." natasha says and i look at her. i place my things on the counter. "well, then you were fooling yourself because pain and suffering is everyday and we are all still a trained killer. except, we aren't the ones on the cover of a magazine. we aren't the killer that little girls call their hero." yelena says pointing at me and herself.

i walk outside with my things and see yelena sat on a bench. i smile slightly before sitting down. i watch her pour rubbing alcohol on her wound and she winces. "you okay?" i ask smiling. "no are you okay? you got thrown around then smashed through the windshield and you still look better than me. how do you do it?!" she asks smiling slightly. "after natasha left. dreykov let all of his anger out on me. he blamed me. he thought i knew why she left. he tortured me." i lift up my shirt to reveal a lot of scars. "all from
him because he thought i knew where natasha went." i sigh. "madelyn..." yelena says. "you get used to it after a while." i say smiling. "you shouldn't get used to it though." yelena says and i look away. "i always wanted to be like natasha." i blurt out. yelena looks at me. "why?" she asks. "because.. she was so cool. she wasnt scared to stand up for herself and i looked up to her." i say. "ah.. i wanted to be like you." yelena says. i look at her. "me?" i ask. "why?" i also ask. "literally for the exact same reason. you were- are, so fierce and you're never too scared to stand up for whats right. i wanted to be exactly like you. i looked up to you." yelena says and i smile. before i can say anything natasha walks up to the bench.

"that gas, the counteragent, it was synthesized in secret by an older widow from melina's generation. i was in the mission to retrieve it and she exposed me and i killed the widow that freed me." yelena says as natasha sits next to us with a bag and three beer bottles. "did you have a choice." natasha says and yelena looks at me. "what you experienced was psychological conditioning. im talking about chemical altering brain functions. theyre two completely different things. you're fully conscious but you dont know what part is you" yelena says. "i still don't know." yelena says. natasha looks over at me. i smile while looking at the table. "i experienced both. dreykov saw me as his. he sent me out on every mission. i got beat. he tortured me." i say looking at natasha. she furrows her eyebrows. "what?" she asks. "he beat me, because he thought i knew why you left. he beat me everyday for something i had no idea about." i say. natasha looks at me with apologetic eyes. "all is in the past." i say smiling. natasha sits by yelena.

"is that all there is left?" natasha asks. "mmh-hmm. its the only thing that can stop dreykov and his net-work of widows" yelena replies with pain in her voice. i take a sip from my beer. natasha blows on yelena's wound and yelena looks to natasha then to me confused. "he takes more everyday. children who dont have anyone to protect them. just like us when we were small. maybe one in twenty survives the training, becomes a widow. the rest, he kills. to him we are just things. weapons with no face that he can just throw away. because there is always more. and no ones even looking for him, thanks to you and alexei." yelena says as natasha wraps her wound.
"alexei?." natasha replies sitting by me. "dad." yelena smiles.

natasha starts to clean my arm. "uh, what are you doing?" i ask moving away. "oh, come on. you really didnt think i'd notice you getting shot and wincing everytime you hit your shoulder?" natasha asks smiling. i sigh and move closer to her. i look at yelena. "did you ever look for your parents. your real ones?" yelena asks. natasha takes some tweezers from her bag and picks out the bullet. yelena watches as the tweezers keep going deeper and i'm unfazed. "how do you do it?!" she asks and i laugh. natasha finally pulls the bullet out, cleans the wound one more time and starts to sew it shut. "my mom abandoned me in the street like garbage. what about you?" natasha asks me. "dead." i simply say. both of them look up at me concerned. i raise an eyebrow. "care to elaborate?" natasha asks. "oh, i dont know a lot. dreykov told me that they died in a car accident. but, he could be lying." i say. "you?" i ask yelena as natasha wraps a bandage over my wound. "they destroyed my birth certificate, so i reinvented it." yelena says. "oh?" i reply. natasha and i look up at yelena. "is that right?" natasha asks not looking up from my arm. "natasha is a science teacher. you're working part time though, especially after youve had your son. your husband, he renovates houses. and maddie moved out of the country to become a vet you have a cat and a dog. you havent met the one yet, but i still have hope." yelena says. natasha and i both smile at her. "that is not my story." natasha chuckles. yelena laughs. "what is your story?" she asks. "i never let myself be alone long enough to think about it." she replies still smiling. i smile awkwardly with my dimples popping out, not knowing what to say. "aww. look at madelyns dimples. thats one of the things i always loved about your smile." yelena says and i cover my mouth smiling. natasha removes my hands. "dont cover them." she says smiling, making me smile so my dimples appear again.

yelena clears her throat. "did you ever wish for kids?" she asks looking between natasha and i who are still smiling. "i want a dog." yelena says. "me too." i say giggling. "where you gonna go?" she asks yelena. "i dont know. i don't really have anywhere to go back to, so i guess anywhere." she replies. natasha smiles and turns her head to face you. you slowly look at her. "you?" she asks. "i wanna travel. but maybe i will go back to budapest to fix mt apartment." i say. "don't." yelena says. "don't what?" natasha says as i look at them confused. "you're gonna give us some big hero speech. i can feel it." yelena says not taking her eyes off of natasha. i take a sip from my bottle. natasha leans back holding her bottle. "speeches arent really my thing." she says smiling then taking a sip. i nod slowly. "huh." yelena says looking at me. "it was more like an invitation." natssha finally says. i cock my head to her direction and she lets out a little laugh. "to go to the red room and kill dreykov?" yelena asks. i go silent. "yeah." natasha replies. "even though the red room is impossible to find and dreykov is too slippery to kill?" yelena asks. "yeah." natasha replies. i look down at my beer bottle. "that sounds like a shitload of work." yelena says. "yup." natasha sighs. "could be fun though." she says smiling. "yup." yelena replies.



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