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                      FOUR HOURS LATER

the helicopter crashes onto land. we all slowly get out. yelena first, then nat, then me, then alexei. yelena, natasha and i walk forward. "you shouldve brought the avengers superjet." alexei says. "and you should be in jail. we don't always get what we want." i say making the other girls laugh. natasha scoffs. "if i hear one more word ofrom him, i will kick him in the face." yelena says making me smile. "hes the worst." natasha says. "thats an understatement." i say making the three of us smile slightly.

"natasha. natasha. natasha. come here, i want to ask you something. come, its important." alexei says. natasha stops walking as yelena and i carry on walking. "i actually hate him." i say. yelena smiles.

"wait. you haven't seen either one of us in, what? twenty years. and you're going to ask me about you?" natasha asks alexei loudly making yelena and i turn around. "what is with this tension? did i do something wrong?" alexei asks as natasha walks up to yelena and i. "did you do something wrong?" i say letting out a sarcastic laugh. "is that a serious question?" yelena asks. "i only ever loved you girls. i did my best to make sure you would succeed to achieve your fullest potential, and everything worked out." alexei says. "by throwing us into the red room?" i ask. "everything worked out?" natasha asks. "for you, yes. we accomplished our mission in ohio. yelena, you went on to become the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. nobody can match your efficiency, your ruthless. natasha, not just a spy, not just toppling regimes, destroying empires from within but an avenger. and madelyn, you were dreykov's favourite. you are the best that there is, the best assassin and spy. you have all, killed so many people. your ledgers must be dripping, just, gushing red. i couldnt be more proud of you." alexei says pulling everyone into a hug i quickly slip out of the hug while natasha pushes him scoffing. we both walk forward. "he just got even worse. dreykov's favourite? dreykov almost killed me." i say walking with natasha not noticing her stop. "what?" she asks. i turn back to her, yelena and alexei still hugging. i walk to natasha. "he almost killed you?" natasha asks clenching her jaw. "yeah." i say. natasha and i carry on walking. "why didn't you say anything? im going to kill him. im going to shoot him in the head." natasha says.

yelena catches up, then alexei does. "so. are we there yet?" yelena asks. "you'll know when were there." alexei says then he starts snorting like a pig.

"honey, we're home." alexei says as natasha, yelena and i follow slightly after him. we stand there for a few seconds before melina starts walking towards a cabin. "come on, girls." alexei says following the brunette woman. "welcome to my humble abode. make yourself at home. lets have a drink." melina says sighing. yelena and i walk into the dining room. alexei walks into the bathroom. i walk to see where melina was while yelena sat down. "hey, melina? is there a spare restroom?" i ask in a soft voice. she smiles. "madelyn. yes. there is one through the kitchen in the glass doors on the left." melina replies. "thank you." i smile slightly. i walk to the restroom to look at myself in the mirror. i fix my hair so it looks more neat and tie my shoelaces before leaving the restroom to see melina and yelena sat by eachother and natasha sat opposite. i slide into the seat by natasha opposite yelena and i smile.

we hear a lot of noise coming from the restroom alexei was using. "let's drink." melina says. i nod. alexei walks out of the restroom and clears his throat. i roll my eyes not even looking at him and taking a shot of vodka. "still fits." alexei says. "barely." i say quiet enough for only natasha to hear and we start laughing. "oh my god." yelena says as she turns around to me and natasha who were still smiling slightly. "i never washed it once. come and drink." melina says patting the seat next to her. "family back together again. hmm." alexei says. "seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years i don't believe we can use that term anymore, can we?" melina asks. i look over at her with sad eyes. i look away before she can notice. "agreed. so heres whats gonna happen-." natasha starts but she gets cut off by alexei. "okay. a reunion then, huh? and, uh.. i want to say something right off the bat. you haven't aged a day, huh? you're just as beautiful and as supple as the day we staged our marriage." alexei says to melina. melina looks at alexei. "you got fat." making me snicker a little before getting a nudge from natasha. "but still good." melina finishes.  alexei chuckles. "i just got out of prison. i, uh... i have a lot of energy." alexei says. i gag. "oh!" melina says. "please dont do that. so here's what's gonna happen." natasha says again but gets cut off again. "natasha, don't slouch." melina says making natasha immediately fix her posture. "im not slouching." natasha replies. "yes, yes you are." melina says. "i dont slouch." natasha says. "you're going to get a back hunch." melina says. "listen to your mother." alexei says trying to do a good posture. "oh, my god. this.." natasha says. "up, up." alexei says sitting up. "all right. enough. all of you." natasha says. i look at her. "i didn't say anything, thats not fair." yelena says. "here's whats gonna happen." natasha tries to say one more time, only to get cut off again. "i dont want any food." yelena says. "eat a little something, yelena. for god's sake. you too madelyn. you're too thin." melina says making everyone quiet. "did they not feed you in there or what?" melina asks smiling hearing yelena and natasha gasp. "im glad you find that funny." i say chucking the plate off of the table and sitting back.

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