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"whats the plan?" natasha asks making me turn around. "what?" i ask. "madelyn you and yelena will have your brains 'cut open' to get the both of you back under his control." melina says. i nod. "so, once we're inside. i'll activate my tracker and ross will come running." natasha says and i look at her confused. "you know the facility. there must be some way to land it." natasha says. "instruct them to confine us on level zero. once, im out i can activate landing protocol, we can descend within the hour." melina says. "ummm, you know, im sure yelena and i would like to keep our brains." i say. and melina smiles. "problem. i only have one earpiece set." melina says. "how many is in a set?" i ask. "uhh, four." melina says. "okay, madelyn take one. you take one. and ill take one and give one to yelena." natasha says.

i walk out to go check up on yelena but i get tased by something. "what the hell.." i say turning sround to see melina. i look at her with saddened eyes, seeing natasha rush out of the room. "melina what are you doi..." is the last thing i hear before blacking out

i wake up with a light shining in my eyes. i see a surgeon drawing on my face. "this is a much less cool way to die." i hear a familiar russian girl say.
i turn to look at her but she is already looking at me. "yelena, madelyn. its me, its mama. you both have a two inch blade concealed in your beltlines." we hear melina say off of the earpiece. "what?" yelena says a bit too loud. i look over at her and shake my head. "what.. are you going to do to me?" she asks one of the surgeons. "outside of right hip." melina says. i hold onto the blade and look over to yelena who nods at me. the both of us rip the straps that are holding us down and fight the surgeons. a surgeon stabs yelena with a needle and she kicks him in the face. she throws her blade at someone trying to run. she grabs both of us a wipe to wipe the marker off. and i take the needle out if her shoulder. "couldn't have told us sooner?" yelena says putting her vest on. "dont throw a fit. there wasnt time." melina says.

"where did he take the vials?" yelena asks. "probably down to cold storage. dreykov still has the widows under his control, so you have to expose them to this antidote." melina says. "yeah. sure. easy." yelena says. "you coming?" yelena asks. "no i need to do something." i say running in the opposite direction.

i walk into a room that has a lot of files. "ooh." i say spotting my name. i look through the file and start reading. 'madelyn has been working in the red room and hydra. she is the best there is. she is dreykov's special widow. she has never failed a mission. she is the best that there is.' there's a few pictures of me fighting in the streets. "don't move." i hear a voice say. i slowly turn around realising i dont have a weapon on me. "fuck." i mutter. "i need backup." i say into the earpiece before getting tased. again.

i wake up strapped to another table. i look up to see a big tablet showing dreykovs office. i can see natasha and him talking. "my plan is to kill you." i hear natasha say. dreykov chuckles and walks over to get the tablet which shows me. "kill me. and i kill her." dreykov says showing natasha the tablet. "what are you doing to her?" natasha says not taking her eyes off of me. i look around the room with furrowed eyebrows. "im going to get her under my control again. or kill her." dreykov says chuckling. "what the-" i say before trying to move. a few guards go into another room speaking hungarian. "shes dead." dreykov says. "wait, no. madelyn!" i hear natasha shout before disappearing from the screen. i look around and feel something sharp in my left leg. i reach down to get it and notice my earpiece on a tray. i rip all of the straps that are holding me down, i grab my earpiece and run out before any guards notice.

"madelyn. madelyn! madelyn! where are you madelyn! talk to me." i hear a familiar russian accent say through the earpiece. i put my earpiece back in. "im heading to dreykovs room now." i say before hearing a laugh from the russian. "i thought you were dead!" she says. "cant kill me that easily." i say walking into dreykovs room to see him sat on his chair.

"ah.. madelyn." he says as i walk in. "where's natasha?" i ask glaring at him. "oh, she went to look for you." dreykov says. i punch him. "madelyn get out of there. we're about to blow it up!" i hear natasha say on the coms. "no i have to do this." i say before fighting dreykov. i kick him onto the floor. "no, madelyn! you're more important!" natasha shouts into the coms. i scoff and walk out. i see a fire starting so i grab two guns and shoot the glass. i land onto the floor to see yelena infront of me and natasha behind me. i hear the both of them let out a sigh of relief. "yelena! don't do it!" natasha shouts. "this was fun!" yelena shouts. "no!" i shout before she blows up the room. natasha had been flung off by the fire.

i do not hesitate to grab two parachutes. i run and jump off the building. i grab nat and cling onto her as i put the parachute on her. i smile before letting go and clinging onto yelena and putting a parachute on her and i smile before letting go.



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