Regrets - 5

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Regrets - Chapter Five

     I arrived home at about 10:30ish. My guilt had now festered and a new emotion emerged; anger. I got out of my car and slammed the door. I stomped up the pathway and dug around in my pocket until I found my house key attached to my lanyard.

     It took me about six tries to unlock the door and at one point I threw my keys down and kicked a random volleyball that sat on our porch. (Sorry Clementine.) When the door finally opened, I swung it with such force I had to throw myself at it to catch it so it didn't slam into the wall. I was not in the mood for a lecture from my mom. 

     My whole family decided tonight was the night they wanted to spend time together, so the three of them sat on the couch watching some cheesy chick-flick. Mike noticed me first, funny how that always seems to happen, and a smile appeared on his face.

     "Leo! How was your first high school party?" he asked happily.

     By now Clem and my mom were looking at me expectantly. I huffed loudly and spun on my heel storming up the stairs, "I don't want to talk about it!" I yelled angrily. 

    I could hear Mike whispering to my mom, asking what he did. I went into my room and slammed the door, knowing I'd get a talking to later. 


     The next day I woke up with a killer headache even though I didn't even drink. I sighed and rolled over to check my phone. When zero notifications showed up, guilt seeped back into my body. 

     Luckily for me it was pouring so my mom couldn't force me to go outside and practice lacrosse, or even worse, practice volleyball with my sister. I pulled myself out of bed, feeling miserable. I trudged down the stairs and sat quietly next to my mom at the island. I rested my head on the cold granite and watched her type something into her computer, close it, sigh, then turn to look at me.

     "I don't appreciate you slamming my doors," she said with a frown. "I understand you're upset about whatever happened at your party, which," she held up a finger, "I knew was a bad idea in the first place, but you do not need to drag this family into your social affairs. We don't all have to suffer just because you are." 

     I muttered an apology. Thanks Mom you make me feel so much better. I rose from the chair and trudged back up the stairs, any appetite I had completely gone. I mostly moped around the whole day, feeling like shit and looking like it too I'm sure. When Clementine entered my room, I couldn't tell if I was happy or mad she was interrupting my self-loathing.

     "Watch TV with me dork," she said assertively. 

     "Ask Mom," I groaned as I rolled over in my bed.

     "No. If I wanted to watch it with her I would have asked her. Duh," sometimes I hated how blunt she was.

     I groaned once again but rose from my bed, nonetheless. I dragged myself down the stairs and sat on the sofa as Clementine filtered through TV shows on Netflix before settling on this weird show I'd never seen before. It was sort of boring and I kind of zoned off.

     "I think you should try to make up with your friends," Clementine suddenly blurted out.

     "...What?" I asked, confused on how she knew. "Who told you me and my friends were fighting?"

     "Please. I'm your sister. It's a Saturday and your inside watching some random show with me. Obviously something is wrong," Clem said giving me a look.

     "Okay maybe I enjoy watching this and hanging out with my kid sister. Is that such a bad thing?" I snapped.

     She raised her eyebrows, "Am I wrong?"

     I glared at her, then sighed and looked back at the television, "Doesn't matter anymore. I fucked up and I think they need time before they listen to my apology."

     Clementine positioned herself towards me, "Seriously?! No text them an apology right here right now. If you don't, they'll have another reason to be mad at you. They'll say 'Oh! Well took a while for an apology. Yada, yada, yada."

     I bit the inside of my cheek, not enjoying how Clem was right. I dug into my pocket and pulled my phone out. I began typing away. 

Sugar Booger Kitty Kat

     Kitty I know you must be pissed right now and you probably don't want to hear this, but I truly am sorry. I have no excuse for freezing up like that and watching it all go down. I was such a horrible friend and if there is anything I can do to make it up to you please let me know. I'm sorry again. 

     I handed the phone to Clementine and cringed a little at how I was getting my fourteen year old sisters opinion on a apology text. She just nodded and handed it back to me. I sent it, then debated writing one to Riley but thought against it. I didn't really need to apologize to him.

     A weight seemed to be lifted off of my chest just a bit so I could focus more on other things than the incident last night. I watched the show more intensely now and realized it was about some girl getting revenge on her bullies by turning everyone against them. Suddenly an idea formed in my head.

     It was one of those ideas that you think of, laugh, then let go, but this one stayed. It stayed throughout the entirety of the show, it stayed during dinner, and it stayed as I got into bed. The more I thought about it the more absurd it seemed... yet it wasn't impossible. 

     I went to bed that night with an idea. One that was crazy, absurd even... but possible.

a/n: hey! so any ideas on what Leo's plan is? if you're enjoying Karma so far please subscribe and vote! it would be greatly appreciated if you could recommend to a friend as well! again thank you so so much and I'll see you in the next chapter.

Autumn Terry

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