Truth - 15

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Truth - Chapter Fifteen


     Her name felt foreign on my tongue as I realized that there was someone behind us. I slowly turned around and my heart dropped. It was Oliver. It was Oliver and he had just caught Summer and I had just confirmed it by saying her name.

     "What the he-" I heard him began to say under his breath before Summer suddenly bounded over to him and did something that made my jaw drop.

     Summer bounded over to Oliver and socked him right in the jaw. I audibly gasped as my jaw dropped open. He groaned and hunched over while holding his cheek in his hand.

     "What the fuck Summer?!" I exclaimed.

     She looked back at me with a panicked look, "I freaked out, okay?!"

     "So you punched him?!" 

     Oliver groaned once again before spitting out something that, even in the dark, looked a lot like blood. I ran up to him and put a hand on his back as I leaned forward to get a better look at him.

     "Are you okay?" I asked, panicking a bit.

     He nodded but didn't raise his head to look at me. He stayed in the same position as I glared at Summer. I checked the time on my watch and sucked in a bit of air as I realized it was already one. We had spent a whole hour in the school.

     Oliver slowly stood up, and I didn't leave his side. My hand still unconsciously stayed on his back as he looked up to meet Summer's eyes. She looked guilty and could barely look at him.

     "Sorry," I heard her mutter.

     "I'm so confused right now... What is she doing here?" this time he looked at me. 

     My eyes flashed to Summer's and asked for consent. She slightly nodded and I sighed before looking back at Oliver.

     "This is the second part of Karma. She has helped me plan everything except the Adilene thing. Summer was the one who got us into the school and who deleted all the footage of us."

     I looked into Oliver's green eyes as emotions swirled around in them. He looked at her once again before looking back at me.

     "Okay..." was all he said. 

     "Okay...?" I repeated. 

     "So now that the cat's out of the bag, Leo and I don't have to hide anything I guess. Also, uh, sorry for punching you... that was my bad," Summer said.

     Oliver chuckled a bit, "It's fine. I probably would've done the same."

     Summer now checked her watch before frowning a bit, "We should all get going and deal with this later..."

     I nodded in agreement and finally realized my hand was still on Oliver. I let it drop before going to Summer's side. Oliver nodded as well before giving us a obviously forced smile and walking away in the direction he went the first time he left.

     Summer and I exhaled, "Oh my god, could this night get any more stressful?" I said.

     Summer hit my arm, "Don't jinx it."

     When Summer dropped me off at my house, I prayed that the door would be fine to use. I did not feel like climbing up a tree in cold March weather. I waved to Summer before going to my front door and peering through.

     I saw no signs of life and put my key into the lock quickly. I opened the door slowly and shut it. I threw off my shoes and began to tiptoe to the stairwell before I heard a light click on and my heart dropped to my toes. I slowly turned around, ready to meet my doom.

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