Secrets - 10

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Secrets - Chapter Ten

     Summer and I started speaking more in class and I found I actually kind of enjoyed her presence. She was funny and very smart. She would actually eat lunch with Kitty, Riley, and me on certain days, and I could tell the two enjoyed her presence as well.

      Adilene didn't come to school for a week and when she finally did, she was totally outcasted. She lost her position in the group and it was kind of sad to see all of her friends turn against her so quickly. That was my goal from the beginning though, so I guess I couldn't feel too bad for her.

     Everyone had totally forgot about Kitty's incident at the party and now put full focus on the Adilene scandal. I noticed her drastic decrease in followers as well. Beatrice on the other hand seemed to be thriving as she posted some video about the full story. Beatrice was always known around school as being an influencer and this incident only seemed to boost her follower count.

     It irked me that this girl's best friend just got caught for having an affair with a teacher, and she took that as a chance to exploit it and make a grwm tiktok. The other members of the group seemed to be a bit more guarded though.

     Any question asked about the incident was immediately shut down by them. None of them wanted to admit that their perfect little friend group had a flaw in it. It made me laugh thinking about how they would all be in Adilene's position very soon.

     Summer and I brainstormed our next action as Karma almost everyday afterschool. I began to get more comfortable about the whole thing. The school still had no idea who Karma was, and my paranoia began to drift away. 

     My first lacrosse game was quickly approaching though, and I really wasn't looking forward to it. We were playing some random team and our coach was already getting on our asses and nitpicking every little thing we did. 

     My team had also caught on to my growing friendship with Summer, and guys I barely spoke to were teasing me about some girl I was sure they barely knew. I ignored them for the most part until in the locker room someone was joking about it and Oliver overheard. 

     He had asked what they were talking about and some buffoon let him in on the joke. I don't know why, but the thought of Oliver thinking I liked Summer made me feel weird. Like I didn't want him to think that. For everyone else I didn't really care, but for some reason when it came to him it was different.

     I just assumed it was because he was on Karma's hit-list and I'd prefer he didn't know any personal information about me. I tried to shake off the feeling, but I kept wondering if he thought it was true. I mean who cared if people thought it was true. Summer was pretty and I could definitely see myself having a crush on her.

     Summer and I hung out that day after practice at a library. We both told our parents we were studying. We had already decided what we were going to do to expose our next victim, but we still needed to figure out who that was and what dirt we could get on them. 

     Having Summer proved to be extremely beneficial, as she had many ways to get information for Karma because of her dad. We both decided that she should try to dig for something on her own and I should keep my eyes peeled for anything.

      I left the library feeling that same feeling I felt the very first day I had come up with this idea. It was crazy to think that I would actually go through with it and bring someone into it with me. 


     The next day, while I was at my locker during passing period, I saw Summer walking swiftly towards me. I watched, confused, until she got to me, adjusted her glasses, and smiled widely. 

     "I found something," she whispered to me.

     "What?! What did you find?" I whisper-yelled back at her.

     "About Oliver. His par-" suddenly a muscular arm wrapped around my shoulder.

     "Leo!" Oliver's playful voice boomed. I noticed a few of my lacrosse team members that I knew were named Lucas and Ashton stood next to us.

     "So this is the Summer I've heard about!" he said scanning her with a smile.

     "Uh... Hi?" Summer said with an awkward smile. "Uh, Leo I have to go.. I'll call you later," she then gave me a look and I gave her one back.

     "She sure is a looker. You lucked out Leo," I cringed a little at the comment from Ashton.

     "We're not together," I muttered as I walked away from the boys.

     They didn't get the hint and walked with me. I realized Oliver was heading to the same class I was so I was unfortunately going the same direction he was. The boys talked without me and I debated if it would be weird if I suddenly just picked up the pace. It probably would, but would I really rather walk with them? I wasn't too sure.

     I decided to just stay with them and when I finally reached Spanish, walked in and took my seat without acknowledging Oliver. I didn't spare him a glance to see his reaction. I was a little pissed he interrupted Summer when she was going to tell me something important about... well about him. 

     Riley was in this class with me and I think he noticed my mood and asked me what was up. 

     "I was just probed by aliens..." I said with a serious face, then wiped a fake tear from my eye.

     Riley just rolled his eyes, "Nobody wants to probe that ass."

     I pretended to act offended, "I'll have you know my ass is very probable." 


     I called Summer as soon as I got home. She picked up after a few rings and immediately began to talk.

     "Oliver's parents pay the school for better grades."

     "What?! How did you find this out?"

     "I was in the office waiting for my dad when I heard Mr. Hackley on the phone and he said verbatim, 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, I appreciate your generous donation and trust me, your money will not go to waste. Oliver seems to be struggling just a bit in science and I think I can talk to his teacher and get that grade up.'"

     "Oh my god. Wait.. did you get any proof?"

     "Yep. Recorded the whole thing. I also got a picture of a deposit of money from the Clarke's that I saw on the secretary's screen," she said proudly.

     "Summer you are a fucking genius," I said laughing.

     Watch out Oliver. You're next.

a/n: hi! hope you enjoyed! if you did please consider subscribing and voting! thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter. 

Lilypad Terry

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