Ideas - 6

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Ideas - Chapter Six

     Kitty hadn't responded to me all weekend and the guilt I had felt crept it's way back in. When I arrived at school, my first priority was to find her. I saw her and Riley standing in a secluded corner and I quickly rushed over. 

     I called out her name and right before Riley stepped in the way, I saw the deep bags under her bloodshot eyes. 

     "Move Riley," I said with newfound confidence.

     "Did you not understand me the first time? She doesn't want to talk to you," he said glaring at me.

     "Then I want to hear it out of her mouth. Kitty's my friend too Riley."

     He wavered a bit and a delicate hand pushed him out of the way. Kitty stepped up and looked at me with sad eyes.

     "I texted you," was all I managed to get out.

     "I'm grounded. I came home pretty drunk and crying, and my parents went totally berserk," she said with a forced chuckle. 

     "Okay... that's fine... I'll, uh, just reiterate what it said. Kitty I'm sorry for not standing up for you. I have no excuse and quite frankly, I'm not sure why I did it. I guess I just got scared, but again that is no reason for me not to stand up to Carmen."

     Kitty looked at me for a while then slapped me right across the face. I held my cheek in shock as I stared at her. I could tell Riley was shocked as well as he stood with his jaw dropped. Before I could get a single word out, Kitty already embraced me in a hug. I heard her sniffle and I patted her back awkwardly.

     She stepped back and wiped her eyes, "Sorry for slapping you. I forgive you."

     "Nah. I totally deserved it," I said with a genuine smile. 

     Riley sighed and despite the stinging in my face, I felt content for a second. That was until a group of poorly dressed girls walked by and snickered something as they stared right at Kitty. Do people have no shame? I looked back to see Kitty with a faraway look on her glazed eyes. I could only imagine how she felt right now.

     I saw Riley reach over and rub comforting circles on her back. I looked at the time and realized I only had a few minutes to get to my locker. I gave Kitty one last hug before I walked quickly to retrieve my books so I wouldn't be late for math. 

     Along the way I saw a familiar crowd of bitchy teenagers, and the idea I had Saturday popped right back into my mind. Now thinking about it, the idea seemed totally ridiculous, but seeing Carmen giggle and enjoy herself made the appeal to carry out my plan so much stronger. 

     The thought of bringing down every single member of the "it crowd" didn't seem like the worst thing in the world. They all deserved it anyways. By the time I made it to my locker, I had already made my mind up.

     I was going to overthrow the kings and queens of our school one dirty secret at a time. How? No clue but I was going to do it somehow. I began to devise my nasty little plan on the way to math, but I must've been so caught up in my thoughts I slammed right into a toned chest. How cliche was this?

     Oliver stared down at me, surprised. We both muttered apologies to each other. I was the first to rush past him and into class, with him following close behind. He was on my hit-list as well, so whatever "friendship" we were blossoming had to stop immediately.  

     I took my usual seat and ideas poured into my head how I could make the Shallow Seven pay. I'd have to find out each of their secrets, but I wasn't friends with any of them so how would I? Maybe I'd pay someone? No that wouldn't work. I want to keep my identity on the down-low. I didn't want to be targeted by the other six after going after one of them.

      I had no clue what I was going to do and suddenly I felt a nudge on my side. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to a pretty Asian girl who motioned to the teacher who stood with his hands on his hips and a pissed off look on his face. 

     "Care to share what you're thinking about or are you going to answer the question?" Mr. Pentene said with a pissed off expression on his face. 

     "Uhm.." I stuttered a bit until I felt a notebook slide next to me and realized the girl was trying to help me. 

     I read off the circled equation and prayed she wasn't screwing me over. Mr. Pentene pursed his lips and nodded. 

     "Pay attention next time, Leo," he said then returned to the lesson.

     "Thanks.." I whispered to the girl.

     "Your welcome. I'm Summer," she said with a smile as she adjusted her glasses.   

     "Leo," I responded with a polite smile. 

     "Yeah you're also in my Science class."

     I had no clue if that was true so I just nodded and smiled. 

     I was relieved when class was over and stood up quickly to leave. I went along with my day nitpicking my plan and barely paying attention in any class. By the time lacrosse practice had come, I had a semi-full proof plan but no way to get any of the information to do it. 

     My coach was getting pretty irritated with my wondering mind and yelled at me a few times. When practice was finally over, I changed quickly and drove home as fast as I could. (Obeying all the traffic laws of course.) I was ready to get my plan started. 

     I went right past my mom who was again sitting at the island doing some type of work and straight in my room. I locked myself in there and only came out to eat dinner, then right after that, locked myself in my room once again. My plan was perfect except for a few flaws that needed to be dealt with when they came.

      I had decided nobody could know about my plan. Not Riley. Not even Kitty. I trusted them, but if they even let it slip a little bit, I could be facing suspension, or worse expulsion. I was playing with risqué stuff, but it was all going to be worth it.

     The seven deserved to be knocked off their high horses. They each had many enemies and I was sure they couldn't take a guess and assume it was me. Hell, most of them didn't know I existed. I'd have to make sure they didn't come after Kitty though. Meaning I'd have to save Carmen for last, because if I was Kitty, Carmen would be the first person I'd go after.

     As I got into bed after it was a reasonable time to fall asleep, I felt empowered. I was finally standing up for what was right. I was finally doing something with my high school years. Something I could laugh about when I'm old and grey with my grandkids. 

     I fell asleep feeling excited for the next day, it was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while. And I never wanted it to stop.

a/n: hey hey! thanks for reading! how are we feeling about the plan? how about Summer? I feel like this song goes pretty well for Leo (hehe). Chappell is literally my queen. I love her so much. if you're enjoying Karma so far please consider subscribing to get notified when I update next! also please vote and recommended to a friend! thanks again! see you next update <3

- Autumn Terry 

Also Summer is going to be a pretty big character so here's her character:

Summer Bates:

Summer Bates:

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