Notifications - 7

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Notification - Chapter Seven

TW: mention of a student/teacher relationship

     As the days went on, my plan seemed to get less and less realistic. I hadn't come up with any information that could cause a scandal for anyone in the Shallow Seven. I could tell Kitty and Riley noticed my sour mood, and I tried to mask it because I couldn't really go and tell them I was upset because my plan to expose a bunch of random kids didn't go as planned.

     It was now Thursday, and I sat in my math class, not paying attention per usual. That's when I felt Summer nudge me once again. I sighed then looked at Mr. Pentene who was staring at me, once again pissed. 

     "See me after class," was all he said to me before calling on another kid for the answer.

     I heard Summer chuckle a little next to me. I wouldn't have cared normally, but my failed plan pissed me off a little bit too much and her chuckle annoyed me beyond explanation. I sighed a bit too loudly and felt her gaze on me for a while. I finally got fed up.

     "Take a picture it'll last longer," I snapped at her.

     "Damn.. Are you okay man?" she asked genuinely looking concerned. 

     "Yes. No. I don't know? I'm fine I guess," I said, the words spilling out.

     Summer looked like she was going to say more but was interrupted by the bell. I got up and slowly walked to Mr. Pentene's desk. I accidently locked eyes with Oliver and once again couldn't read his expression. I snapped my eyes away and rocked on the balls of my feet waiting for my lecture. 

     Mr. Pentene came back in and began to go off at me and how disrespectful it was for me to completely blow over his lessons that he spent hours on. It was kind of hard to take Mr. P seriously because he wasn't even ten years older than me. It was like his second year teaching and he had to be about twenty-three to twenty-four. He still looked like a high schooler though and I think that's why I had such a hard time respecting him. 

     Even now as he was lecturing me, I was completely zoned out. I was brought back to reality when the words detention were spat out of his mouth. 

     "-and I hope a day of detention with me, grading papers, will show you how difficult it really is to be a teacher," he said seemingly finishing his rant.

     "What day?" I asked, bored and ready to get to my next class. 

     "Today," he said as if he had just gained something over giving me a detention under such short notice. 

     "Okay," I said shrugging. I'd just skip lacrosse and go to detention and my mom wouldn't even know I had a detention, she'd just think I had lacrosse per usual.

     I watched Mr. Pentene's eye twitch just a bit as he realized he hadn't gotten the big reaction he wanted out of me. 

     "Can I go now?" I asked with a frown.

     Mr. Pentene just nodded and flicked his wrist to send me off. Dude seriously had a superiority complex he needed to sort out. 


     The end of the day came quicker than I would've liked, and next thing I knew I was sitting next to Mr. Pentene grading papers. It was definitely awkward and we sat in silence for the most part. I was thanking whatever deity that watches over us when Mr. P finally got called out for something. He sternly told me to keep going and walked out.

     A few minutes passed, and suddenly there was a violent buzz that shook the table. It happened again and again, and by the forth time I finally reached over to Mr. P's phone fed up, and ready to silence it, when I saw something that made me want to jump for joy and hurl at the same time. 

     It was multiple texts from Adilene Kecked. 

     My curiosity got the better of me and I attempted to open Mr. Pentene's phone. This idiot had no password and so I got full access to the juicy information stored on his phone. It was a line of texts that dated back to December of Mr. P and Adilene texting. She had sent him many inappropriate photos and he had sent some back. 

     Adilene was wondering if Mr. P would meet her up at some cafe outside of town. 

     I wanted to be sick, but then I remembered this was exactly what I needed. I began to screenshot everything and sent it all to myself, then deleted my number and all the screenshots. I marked the messages as unread and set his phone back down quickly. 

     Minutes later, Mr. Pentene strolled back in and reached for his phone and I saw a devilish smile creep onto his face. I wanted to puke but kept my eyes down at the paper.

     "Uh.. You can head home early now Leo," he said, as he was now typing what I assume was a response to Adilene. "Now I hoped you learned to, uh, pay more attention in class."

     I nodded and packed up my stuff quickly. I didn't want to give anything away and tried to act as nonchalant as possible. I walked out quickly and once I got into my Toyota, I began to laugh. I had evidence. Pure evidence that Adilene was seducing a teacher for better grades. I also had enough evidence to get my pedo of a teacher fired. What a win-win! 

     Operation bring down the Shallow Seven was back on track. I sang along loudly to the radio on the way home, feeling that feeling of empowerment coming back again. 

a/n: hey! how did we like this chapter? Leo finally has some evidence! Please consider subscribing if you're enjoying Karma so far! also please vote and recommend to a friend. thanks again and I'll see you next update <3

- Autumn Terry 

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