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The high security prison tower looms over one of the mountainous regions of the Fire Nation, away from the city. A silent, straitjacketed and bound, Azula sits in a chair directly in front of a prison cell. Inside said prison cell is the father of Zuko and Azula, Ozai. The two say nothing as they continue to sit and stare. Zuko, Suki, and Ty Lee stand outside the doorway, watching. Suki clears her throat to break the tense silence.

"The Yu Dao summit seems to have done you some good. You're more upbeat than---

"...my usual, dour self?" Zuko interjects.

"I didn't say that. I'm---WE'RE glad to have you back, Zuko," Suki says.

"Aang wants Yu Dao to be the prototype for a new kind of city, one that unites the four nations. We're even in talks to join the Grand Alliance," Zuko says.

"That sounds exciting!" Ty Lee enthusiastically quips.

"It sounds idealistic." Zuko says, peering through the view window of the door. "Perhaps the world could use a little more idealism," he says, looking back to face the two girls.

"Have they said anything?" Zuko asks.

"Not a word," Suki responds.

"Not even a "Hi" or "How are ya?" or---"

"Open the door," Zuko says, cutting off Ty Lee

Zuko steps forward, carrying a tray of tea into the room. "You're bringing them tea?! Zuko, they're your prisoners, not your guests!" Suki protests. "They're still my family." Zuko says, determined.

"Azula—," Zuko says. Azula annoyingly turns over her shoulder to face her brother. Without warning she jerks forward, clamping down onto the tray with her teeth. She whips back, jerking the tray from Zuko's hands, causing him and the tea to topple backwards onto the ground. Ozai evilly smirks at the interaction.

Standing over Zuko, "How do you expect me to drink tea while wearing a straitjacket, Zuzu?! Did you want to watch me LAP at it like some kind of ANIMAL?!" Azula angrily sneers

"Zuko!" Suki calls out.

Ty Lee rushes forward with two quick jabs of her index and middle finger into the side of Azula's neck and rib cage. Azula yells out in pain as her body goes limp onto the ground.

"She's already restrained! You don't need to chi block her!" Zuko yells out.

"Ah, my old friend Ty Lee. TELL ME HOW SHE GOT TO YOU AND MAI! HOW'D SHE MAKE YOU LOSE YOUR FEAR OF ME?!" Azula demands as her face darkens and a single bead of sweat streams down her cheek.

"You're not making any sense, Azula!" Ty Lee says.

"TY LEE, SUKI! Let me handle this!" Zuko yells as he tries to regain control of the situation.

Helping Azula up and back into her seat, Zuko looks down at his sister. "You and father are meeting for the first time in over a year, and I know these aren't the best of circumstances. I thought the tea might lend a bit of...dignity," he says.

"You want dignity," Azula says, her voice curt. "Let father and I talk to one another like two human beings. IN PRIVATE!" she demands.

A brief pause comes across Zuko's face. Pondering Azula requests he looks back at her, "Fine", he says.

Zuko closes the door and shuts the viewing window. "We'll give them half an hour."

"You sure about this?" Suki asked, voiced laced with concern.

"One is chi blocked and the other has completely lost his firebending. They can't do anything but talk," Zuko says.

Crossing his arms in annoyance and *sighing*. "Like it or not, Azula is my best chance of finding my mother," Zuko says begrudgingly.

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