# impossible.

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Everyone had something they regretted from their youth, something that they would always blame on their youth and scorn the younger version of them for having done so. Even if they came to terms with it, realized that there wasn't anything they could do about it now, they would always harbor disdain for the feat.

▎The bell chimed obnoxiously up front and her shout echoed through the otherwise silent shop, "I'll be right with you!" as she tried to shove the box where it was supposed to go.

She sucked air through her teeth as her skin split from a jagged corner before giving up. Using her foot she kicked it and mumbled out a, "Stupid fucking box, stupid fucking management, stupid fucking job," before hurrying out of the backroom.

Her fake smile grew into a true one once she saw who was standing there. Izuru lazily grinned back at her as she continued to tap the bell.

"Okay-okay! I heard you thirty thousand dings ago!" Quickly, she forced her hand off of the bell and gave her a faux glare. Izuru laughed before she raised her hands in the air in surrender.

"Why are you harassing my work place at..." Her watch didn't help her any as the sun reflected off of it, "whatever time it is. Don't you also have a job to be doing currently?"

Izuru flashed her teeth in a big grin, "I called out."

"You called out? Didn't you just get this job, why are you already skipping shifts!"

She groaned in exasperation, "Because Mom, Ryo wanted to hang out today so I was sent to come get you. Doesn't your shift end soon? Is anyone else even working right now?"

The coffee shop was rather empty besides a duo of students in the corner, a middle aged man sitting at a table by the bar, and there weren't any other workers to be seen. It definitely supported her thought.

"Ryo could have come seen me herself, I have probably thirty minutes, and...yes? Nayeon's somewhere around here. Nayeon!" She called out as she stepped back to look into the backroom.

Silence greeted her. Maybe she was outside smoking again.

With a huff she walked back to the counter.

Izuru was still standing there but now she had pulled out her phone to text someone. Probably Ryo, she thought to herself before teasing the girl.

"Anyway, did you want to order anything or was this only a message delivery type of situation." The girl looked up then and raised her eyebrows.

"Depends, is it going to be on the house or will I be paying for it?"

Nayeon wasn't here to tell her off and she did end her shift soon...

Fuck it.

"House. Tell me what you want and ask Ryo if she also wants something. I'll sneak some pastries too."

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