# stupid cupid.

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PRETTY BOYYou used to be a fan of pretty things before you were told that was wrong

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You used to be a fan of pretty things before you were told that was wrong. Loving pink doesn't make you any less masculine. I find you intriguing when you talk about how beautiful the sky is. Growing flowers won't take away from your beauty, pretty boy.

▎Wordlessly she trudged her way into the apartment. There were a few bickering voices she could hear that left her inwardly groaning. Honestly the simple feat of breathing was painful, so her energy was at an all-time low today, and she debated going right back out the door.

A pen flew and hit Jiho perfectly in the back of his head as he walked into the living room. He hadn't yet seen her as his focus was pulled back down the hallway to whoever, probably Izuru, to squawk. "What was that for?"

It was only once she made a noise when she leaned against the wall that his head snapped back around. She cut her gaze away from him as she stumbled her way to the couch to plop down on.

When she winced, he slithered of to go do whatever he was planning on prior to her dragging her stray ass in. Izuru came flying in then as she caught her eye right as her head hit the armrest.

"So? You ok?" Honestly she was overplaying it a lot but she just grunted. Talking took too much effort.

Izuru nudged her with her foot which resulted in her cracking an eye open to glare at her, "Hello? Earth to Seunghee!"

Begrudgingly she raised herself up to where she was sitting instead of laying half off the furniture.

"If it shall appease Her Royal Majesty," Izuru crossed her arms then with a huff, "then I would be beyond delighted to share that I'm fine."


"Yes fine, shall I spell it out for Your Majesty?"

Izuru opened her mouth to snark back when Ryo stumbled into the living room. Both of them stared at one another before slowly sliding their gazes to Ryo.

She raised her hands before heading towards the kitchen. "I'm not asking just please don't involve me in the argument."

The moment she was out of sight Izuru was pouncing again. Her butt hit the cushion beside her and then was leaning towards her with her hands on her knees.

"What happened then?"

Groaning a little she tried to persuade her off, "Izuru will you give me at least longer than forty minutes? I just want to sleep."

A finger dug into her foot and she shrieked at the sensation.

"No I won't! You stumbled in here like you had your ass beat and I will call the cops on Sehun if he even—" Flailing she kicked her foot at Izuru. It hit her square in the knee which made her yelp.

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