# gravity

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READY TO LOVEMost memories begin at the age of three as do emotions

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Most memories begin at the age of three as do emotions. I don't care for any of them like I do you. My fondest memory was seeing your smile as you kissed me on my forehead before saying goodbye, and I went home gushing to my mother over you.

▎A brush against her shirt brought her back to awareness as she was packing up, the autopilot in her system leaving once it occurred, and she blinked at the boy owlishly.

He had the decency to mumble an apology before clearing his throat, "Will you need any notes?" In the interior of her bag was an empty notebook that definitely should have held some sort of scribble yet it definitely did not.

"I think? If you're offering then sure, that sounds nice. I can take a photo of—well no I can't nevermind, sorry. I actually won't be needing them." He slowly nodded at her confusing attempt, the slight twitch of his lips making her force a smile.

Leave it to her to mess up something so simple like this.

He tentatively slid back into his seat, the room otherwise empty now besides the professor discussing a matter with a student up front, and motioned for her to do the same.

She blinked at the gesture before slowly repeating his movement.

"Did you catch the bit where he said that we'd have a project due at the end of the semester?" Oh. Of course it was something like this. Of course he wasn't going to be weird or rude or anything.

Her head nodded before she felt like she had formatted a response, and she panicked out the first thing on her tongue, "Would you like to be partners for it?"

The boy smiled, a half smirk mixed into it that left her wanting to claw at her throat because how the hell did someone manage to look like that, and nodded.

"I'm Kim Hongjoong. I'm actually set to graduate this year with a music major, but I completely flunked this class so now I have to retake it." He was her senior. Shit.

Flustered with the sudden relationship blooming she took a deep breath to calm her erratic heart, "I'm Ha Seunghee, and I don't get to graduate for another two years. Um I'm actually a—" The sound of a phone ringing made them jump.

California Girls we're unforgettable! Echoed as she quickly snatched the phone out of her pocket to look at the same person from before calling the owner. Shit fuck—Hongjoong grabbed the phone and accepted the call before she could do anything.

"Hey wai—" "Mingi! Fancy hearing you. Yes it's me, Hongjoong, no I didn't kill Yunho? Why would I have any use killing Yunho, he's the most sane friend in the group? No he isn't here—yes I have his phone, just shut up for a second. I'll explain it to you later on. Ok yes—yes Mingi, ok I hear you! Ok bye—goodbye Song Mingi."

Her eyes were wide and she didn't even think she could attempt to place what emotions she was experiencing under any titles. Hongjoong closed his eyes, sighed, and reopened them with a small smile that slid off his face rather quickly once he looked at her.

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