# euphoria

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PICTURE YOUI need you, only you, around

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I need you, only you, around. kiss me, love me, just want me like i do you please. is that too much to ask for? will i hurt you for craving your soul with mine? do you picture me like i picture you?

▎She fought off the hands flailing at her when she brought food into the apartment. Jiho whined like a baby while she fixed him a look and he instantly shut up. That didn't hide his pout though which only made her sigh before handing him one of the bags.

"Don't even think about eating it before the others get in here." The look he gave her was not reassuring and she yelled at him when he started to scamper off, "Jiho I mean it!"

She kicked the door shut behind her before beginning to head towards the kitchen area. Jiho was sitting his bag down on the counter, hands already trying to open the container, and she yelled at him.

"Hands off! Ryo isn't home yet and—Actually is Izuru home? I haven't heard from her today." Jiho's eyes squinted a little as he thought about it before slowly shrugging.

He pulled his hands away from the container to take the other bag from her while he responded, "Nobody has walked in the door since I've been home but I haven't checked to see if Izu was here or not."

She hummed to let him know she heard him before she fixed him another look in warning to not touch the food, and then turned to head down the hallway toward Izuru's room.

Gently, not actually that gently as her fist hit the door a bit harder then intended on the first strike, she knocked on the door and called out.


There was a slight shift of something she assumed was blankets but there wasn't an answer. With a few choice words under her breath, she raised her voice so she could be heard, "I'm coming in."

When she did open the door the room was dim enough that she could hardly see anything which was unlike Izuru as the girl almost always had some sort of lamp or light on. Carefully she shut the door behind her before softly calling out, "Izuru?"

"What?" She winced at the state of Izu's voice as she began to approach the bed and slowly peeled the blankets back. Izuru laid there on her back blankly staring at her.

When she went to poke the girl she acted as if she was going to bite her making her yelp and yank her hand back. Ok, bad day then.

"What happened for you to be all.. gothic damsel-y this time?"

Izuru groaned, loudly at that, before going to cover her face back with the blankets. Her words muffled by the sheets as she begrudgingly answered the question.

"I completely embarrassed myself in front of this boy today! My plan was to scare Jiho but it wasn't him and I made this other guy scream like a little girl! Then he tried to apologize like he was in the wrong!"

She blinked rapidly at the words, "What?"

Izuru slammed the sheets back down to uncover her face and glared at her with an intensity that she was unfamiliar with. Was this her being mad or just upset that her prank fell through?

The words left Izuru in a rush, "The worst part? He was hot!"

"Wait wait—You're embarrassed? Oh my god this is the best day of my life. Jiho, Jiho come here!" Izuru groaned as she tried to hide back under the blankets but she caught them and wrestled with the girl before she could.

Jiho almost hit the wall with how fast he came sprinting. His eyes slightly panicked and then she was laughing while she began to tickle Izuru, the girl shrieking at that, when she tried to keep fighting her.

"Hee! Hee, stop I'll—Jiho help! She's insane!" Jiho just awkwardly looked between the two of them.

His voice came out hesitant with a faint trace of laughter in it as he watched the scene, "What is happening?"

"Izuru embarrassed herself in front of a guy she thinks is hot!"

"What? No I didn't!" The attempt of denying it fell flat as Izuru shrieked again while trying to fend off her hands that were relentlessly going after her.

▎They did separate, eventually after Jiho squealed like a girl when Ryo snuck up behind him, and they all moved as one to the kitchen area to eat. Her phone pinged twice from where she had lost it somewhere on Izuru's bed but she paid it no mind.

If it was Sehun then she'd deal with him later. Call her petty all you wanted but she was in a good mood, totally not ignoring how she would have to talk to Izuru later, and hanging out with her friends who actually seemed to like her.

Jiho was trying to eat all the food which made Ryo hit him with a spoon which then in turn made Izuru stick up for him all while Jiho over dramatically whined and acted as if he was dying. She silently watched it all happen with a smile on her face as she ate.

It was only once Ryo yanked Jiho to do the dishes and gave her a look did she remember what she had to do. Yunho's words coming back to her from earlier as she looked to Izuru out of the corner of her eye.

Right. An apology and communication, how easy.

"Izu?" The named girl looked to her, "Can we..talk?"

Izuru didn't say anything for a moment as her head looked back towards Ryo and Jiho's forms doing the dishes before she looked back over to her. The warmth in her eyes new.

"There's no need and don't apologize. I get how we are some times, especially myself because I can be overbearing, so I don't blame you for how you acted this morning."

The words startled her making her blink. Then she focused on that middle bit of her statement.

Lowly she tried to reason with Izuru, "You aren't overbearing. You're Izuru and I don't want you to behave any differently because then you wouldn't be you."

A small smile before Izuru was moving to stand. The girl cheekily pushing her chair in and responding with a teasing voice.

"That means you'll clean the table right?"

She sighed, exaggerating it tremendously, before waving her off.

"Yeah I've got it."

Family without blood but family all the same.

long time coming.

- fable dropped today.

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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